The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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This 3.0 version of the MPI-AMRVAC software was released in November 2022, with the aid of Beatrice Popescu Braileanu, Niels Claes and various core contributors (Chun Xia, Guo Yang, Yuhao Zhou, Wenzhi Ruan, Fabio Bacchini). The team effort is managed by Rony Keppens at the Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics (CmPA) at KU Leuven. The code has some heritage (in the solver part) to the Versatile Advection Code or VAC, initiated by Gabor Toth at the Astronomical Institute at Utrecht in November 1994, with help from Rony Keppens since 1996.

MPI-AMRVAC is developed by a growing number of people:

  • Chun Xia as a core developer
  • Beatrice Popescu Braileanu as a core developer
  • Yuhao Zhou as a core developer
  • Niels Claes as a core developer
  • Guo Yang as a core developer
  • Wenzhi Ruan as a core developer
  • Fabio Bacchini as a core developer
  • Rony Keppens as a core developer
  • Veronika Jercic
  • Joris Hermans
  • Nicolas Moens
  • Florian Driessen
  • YOUR NAME HERE? contact the team!

Past contributors to MPI-AMRVAC are:

  • Zakaria Meliani as core developer (relativistic physics modules, parallel I/O, postprocessing formats)
  • Oliver Porth as core developer, leading the MPI-AMRVAC 1.0 release
  • Jannis Teunissen realized a major restructuring to MPI-AMRVAC 2.2
  • Bart Ripperda (particle module)
  • Allard Jan van Marle (optically thin radiative loss treatments)
  • Ileyk El Mellah (radial grid stretching)
  • Clement Robert (yt frontend)
  • A number of users at CmPA and abroad

Funding of the ERC is acknowledged through ERC Advanced grant PROMINENT

We thank the following people for their contribution to (earlier versions of) the software development:

Gabor Toth                   For the original VAC software
Hans Goedbloed               Scientific and Financial (project) support
Peter Delmont                visualisation efforts and challenging tests
Hubert Baty                  original and challenging applications
Margreet Nool                early original AMRVAC coding efforts