The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
No Matches
About the MPI-AMRVAC documentation

Generating the documentation

The documentation of MPI-AMRVAC is generated using Doxygen. On every commit to the (owner-protected) master branch, documentation on is automatically updated. You can also generate documentation locally if you have a recent version of Doxygen installed. The latest binaries can be downloaded here.

To locally generate the documentation, execute


in the documentation folder (doc). You can then open the documentation in html folder with for example

firefox html/index.html

How to write documentation

Below some of the Doxygen basics are described, but for more information see the online manual. Having a quick look at the documentation already present in MPI-AMRVAC (both in the source code and in the doc folder) will also help get you started.

Documenting source code

You can write Doxygen comments almost in the same way as regular comments, using the following syntax:

! The number of iterations (normal comment, ignored by Doxygen)
integer :: x

!> The number of iterations (Doxygen variant 1)
integer :: bum_its

integer :: x !< The number of iterations (Doxygen variant 2)

Note that !> describes the next statement, whereas !< describes the previous statement. Multi-line comments can be formed in the following way:

!> a long line
!> of text
!> it is really long

!> a long line
!! of text
!! it is really long

You can document variables, functions, subroutines, modules, types and arguments. Here are some examples to demonstrate the syntax:

!> Compute the square of x
subroutine square(x, x2)
    real, intent(in)  :: x  !< The number we will square
    real, intent(out) :: x2 !< The square of x

    ! This comment will not appear in the documentation
    x2 = x**2
end subroutine square

!> A module that contains nothing
!> A longer description for the module that does nothing,
!> although it seems hard to be very elaborate.
module meaning_of_life
end module meaning_of_life

!> A 2D point coordinate
type coordinate
    real :: x !< The x-coordinate
    real :: y !< The y-coordinate
end type coordinate

Besides documenting your source code, you can also include other information using special commands, preceded by a backslash (). Examples are: todo to list TODO items, test to describe test cases and page to create a separate documentation page. The full list of commands is available here.

Documentation in markdown files

It is also possible to write separate markdown files that will show up in the generated documentation. In these markdown files Doxygen will automatically generate links for names it recognizes. Here is a short example:

# The title that doxygen will use for your page


# A section {#label-1}

Please read the [subsection](@ref label-2).

This is the general link syntax: [link name](link).

## A subsection {#label-2}

You can also place LateX equations in a file, like this:

\( f(x) = \sin(x^2) \).

Note that in doxygen 1.8.11 you have to define section labels for the table of contents to work, which appear at the location of the special [TOC] command.