The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
No Matches
Reading the vtk files

Introduction on reading vtk files

This document describes the use of Python for plotting MPI-AMRVAC 1D and 2D simulation data using the vtk filetypes. All required packages and instructions on how to set up the tools folder are described in Setting up the python tools. The vtk-file tools can be found in the folder $AMRVAC_DIR/tools/python/vtkfiles.

Reading datasets

Currently only the reading of cell-centered vtk file-types (.vtu, .pvtu, .vti) is supported, together with some ascii .csv files. Reading the data is handled in the file, present in the vtkfiles subdirectory. This file contains various classes for different data.

Reading the vtk files is best done using an interactive environment. Hence, navigate to your directory containing your data and fire up IPython:

ipython --pylab

Next, import the reading and plotting classes:

from amrvac_pytools.vtkfiles import read, amrplot

vtu and pvtu filetypes

These filetypes use the class read.load(), loading the data can be done as follows:

ds = read.load_vtkfile(offset, file='KH', type='vtu')

which will read the file KH0015.vtu. The argument offset is zero-padded to four digits and is used to specify the file number. The argument type is either 'vtu' (default) or ‘'pvtu’, which is used to append the file extension and select the correct reading methods. The variables are contained in the instanceds, thus @iverbatim ds.rho @endiverbatim\ilinebr holds the Numpy array for the density,ds.v1‘ holds the first component of the velocity (assuming the data is in primitive quantities and your velocity variable is called ’v1') and so on. The available variables will be printed to the terminal when loading in the dataset. Different datasets can be loaded by supplying different offsets.

vti filetypes

This filetype uses the class read.loadvti(), loading the data can be done as follows:

ds = read.loadvti(offset, file='KH')

which in turn reads the file KH0015.vti. In this case no filetype has to be specified. Accessing the variables in these uniform .vti files is done in a similar way as described above, the available variables are again printed to the terminal when loading the dataset.

Particle csv files

Loading particle ensemble csv (comma-separated-value) files uses the class read.ensemble(). To load the file data_ensemble000015.csv, one can do

ds = read.ensemble(offset, file='data', npayload=1)

In this case, offset is zero padded to six digits. The argument npayload stands for the number of payload arrays in the data (default is one).

Slice csv files

To load a 1D slice in .csv format from a 2D simulation, you can use

ds = read.loadcsv(offset, file='data', dir=1, coord=0.)

which loads in data_d1_x+0.00D00_n0015.csv. The argument offset refers to the last 4 digits of the filename, the argument coord translates to 0.00D00 and dir=1 refers to the d1 part of the filename (setting dir=2 would mean data_d2_x...).

Plotting data

1D plotting

Once the data is loaded into the instance ds, you can access it with ds.varname where varname is a variable name chosen in your AMRVAC parameter-file. Pythons powerful introspection makes it really easy to see what is available in the data: just type ds. and hit the tab key to see the available variable names.

For uniform data (.vti), the arithmetic centre of the cells can be obtained via the command


Hence, a simple 1D plot can be created using matplotlib by doing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(ds.getCenterPoints(), ds.rho)

At this point, ds.getCenterPoints() and ds.rho are simple Numpy arrays, so you can use all of matplotlib for your plotting experience.

For the structured .vti files, the attribute ds.x (or .y or .z) denotes the cell centre coordinate, such that a plot can be obtained with

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(ds.x, ds.rho)

2D plotting

The plotting of two-dimensional AMR data is also supported. These plotting tools come in two flavours:

  1. The class amrplot.polyplot to show each cell in one patch
  2. The class amrplot.rgplot to show data interpolated onto a uniform mesh

Both classes offer the same functionality. In order to display a 2D image of the dataset ds, invoke a new instance

p1 = amrplot.polyplot(ds.rho, ds)

This will open a new window, containing a plot of the requested data. Drawing the window for the first time might take a few seconds, as a list of the cell patches has to be generated. If all of this is done in interactive mode another quantity can be plotted using the same window (for example the temperature) with the command, ds)

The class amrplot.polyplot has several convenient members. One example is, which saves the image to a file and takes the filename as parameter. The axis ranges can be fixed with the attributes p1.xrange and p1.yrange, while the window zoom can be controlled by setting p1.fixzoom to a value other than None. Additionally there is a nice interactive feature when using amrplot.polyplot: if the middle mouse button is clicked to mark a cell in the plotting window, a pink crosshair will be displayed and all variables at the chosen location will be returned to the terminal. This may take a few seconds the first time this feature is executed, as the centerpoints must be calculated first.

Convenient auxiliary functions

The class amrplot has some additional auxiliary functions which can be quite useful:

  • amrplot.line: selects variables over a straight path across a 2D slice
  • amrplot.velovect: provides velocity vectors for a flow field
  • amrplot.contour: overlays contours onto the plotting window
  • amrplot.streamlines: shows streamlines of a vector field
  • amrplot.streamline: plots a single streamline with given starting values

See the respective methods and classes in vtkfiles/amrplot for more information.