The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_cak_force.t File Reference

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module  mod_cak_force
 Module to include CAK radiation line force in (magneto)hydrodynamic models Computes both the force from free electrons and the force from an ensemble of lines (various possibilities for the latter). There is an option to only simulate the pure radial CAK force (with various corrections applied) as well as the full vector CAK force. Depending on the chosen option additional output are the CAK line force component(s) and, when doing a 1-D radial force, the finite disc factor.


subroutine mod_cak_force::cak_params_read (files)
 Public method.
subroutine mod_cak_force::cak_init (phys_gamma)
 Initialize the module.
subroutine, public mod_cak_force::set_cak_force_norm (rstar, twind)
 Compute some (unitless) variables for CAK force normalisation.
subroutine mod_cak_force::cak_add_source (qdt, ixil, ixol, wct, w, x, energy, qsourcesplit, active)
 w[iw]=w[iw]+qdt*S[wCT,qtC,x] where S is the source based on wCT within ixO
subroutine mod_cak_force::get_cak_force_radial (ixil, ixol, wct, w, x, gcak)
 1-D CAK line force in the Gayley line-ensemble distribution parametrisation
subroutine mod_cak_force::get_cak_force_vector (ixil, ixol, wct, w, x, gcak)
 Vector CAK line force in the Gayley line-ensemble distribution parametrisation.
subroutine mod_cak_force::get_gelectron (ixil, ixol, w, x, ge)
 Compute continuum radiation force from Thomson scattering.
subroutine mod_cak_force::cak_get_dt (w, ixil, ixol, dtnew, dxd, x)
 Check time step for total radiation contribution.
subroutine mod_cak_force::get_velocity_gradient (ixil, ixol, vfield, x, idir, grad_vn)
 Compute velocity gradient in direction 'idir' on a non-uniform grid.
subroutine mod_cak_force::rays_init (ntheta_point, nphi_point)
 Initialise (theta',phi') radiation angles coming from stellar disc.
subroutine mod_cak_force::gauss_legendre_quadrature (xlow, xhi, n, x, w)
 Fast Gauss-Legendre N-point quadrature algorithm by G. Rybicki.


real(8), public mod_cak_force::cak_alpha
 Line-ensemble parameters in the Gayley (1995) formalism.
real(8), public mod_cak_force::gayley_qbar
real(8), public mod_cak_force::gayley_q0
integer mod_cak_force::cak_1d_opt
 Switch to choose between the 1-D CAK line force options.
integer mod_cak_force::nthetaray
 Amount of rays in radiation polar and radiation azimuthal direction.
integer mod_cak_force::nphiray
integer mod_cak_force::gcak1_
 Extra slots to store quantities in w-array.
integer mod_cak_force::gcak2_
integer mod_cak_force::gcak3_
integer mod_cak_force::fdf_
logical mod_cak_force::cak_split =.false.
 To treat source term in split or unsplit (default) fashion.
logical mod_cak_force::cak_1d_force =.false.
 To activate the original CAK 1-D line force computation.
logical mod_cak_force::cak_vector_force =.false.
 To activate the vector CAK line force computation.
logical mod_cak_force::fix_vector_force_1d =.false.
 To activate the pure radial vector CAK line force computation.