The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_input_output.t File Reference

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module  mod_input_output
 Module for reading input and writing output.


subroutine mod_input_output::read_arguments ()
 Read the command line arguments passed to amrvac.
subroutine mod_input_output::read_par_files ()
 Read in the user-supplied parameter-file.
subroutine mod_input_output::get_fields_string (line, delims, n_max, fields, n_found, fully_read)
 Routine to find entries in a string.
subroutine mod_input_output::saveamrfile (ifile)
logical function mod_input_output::snapshot_exists (ix)
integer function mod_input_output::get_snapshot_index (filename)
subroutine, public mod_input_output::snapshot_write_header (fh, offset_tree, offset_block)
 Write header for a snapshot.
subroutine mod_input_output::snapshot_read_header (fh, offset_tree, offset_block)
 Read header for a snapshot.
subroutine mod_input_output::write_snapshot
subroutine mod_input_output::read_snapshot
 Routine to read in snapshots (.dat files). When it cannot recognize the file version, it will automatically try the 'old' reader.
subroutine mod_input_output::read_snapshot_old ()
subroutine mod_input_output::printlog_default
 Write volume-averaged values and other information to the log file.
subroutine mod_input_output::printlog_regression_test ()
 Print a log that can be used to check whether the code still produces the same output (regression test)
subroutine mod_input_output::get_volume_average (power, mode, volume)
 Compute mean(w**power) over the leaves of the grid. The first mode (power=1) corresponds to the mean, the second to the mean squared values and so on.
subroutine mod_input_output::get_volume_coverage (vol_cov)
 Compute how much of the domain is covered by each grid level. This routine does not take a non-Cartesian geometry into account.
subroutine mod_input_output::get_volume_average_func (func, f_avg, volume)
 Compute the volume average of func(w) over the leaves of the grid.
subroutine mod_input_output::get_global_maxima (wmax)
 Compute global maxima of iw variables over the leaves of the grid.
subroutine mod_input_output::get_global_minima (wmin)
 Compute global minima of iw variables over the leaves of the grid.


integer, dimension(3), parameter mod_input_output::compatible_versions = [3, 4, 5]
 List of compatible versions.
integer mod_input_output::nw_found
 number of w found in dat files
character(len= *), parameter mod_input_output::fmt_r = 'es16.8'
character(len= *), parameter mod_input_output::fmt_r2 = 'es10.2'
character(len= *), parameter mod_input_output::fmt_i = 'i8'