The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_mf_phys.t File Reference

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module  mod_mf_phys
 Magnetofriction module.


subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::mf_phys_init ()
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::mf_to_conserved (ixil, ixol, w, x)
 Transform primitive variables into conservative ones.
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::mf_to_primitive (ixil, ixol, w, x)
 Transform conservative variables into primitive ones.
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::get_normalized_divb (w, ixil, ixol, divb)
 get dimensionless div B = |divB| * volume / area / |B|
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::get_current (w, ixil, ixol, idirmin, current, fourthorder)
 Calculate idirmin and the idirmin:3 components of the common current array make sure that dxlevel(^D) is set correctly.
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::mf_clean_divb_multigrid (qdt, qt, active)
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::mf_face_to_center (ixol, s)
 calculate cell-center values from face-center values
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::b_from_vector_potential (ixisl, ixil, ixol, ws, x)
 calculate magnetic field from vector potential
subroutine, public mod_mf_phys::record_force_free_metrics ()


double precision, public mod_mf_phys::mf_nu = 1.d-15
 viscosity coefficient in s cm^-2 for solar corona (Cheung 2012 ApJ)
double precision, public mod_mf_phys::mf_vmax = 3.d6
 maximal limit of magnetofrictional velocity in cm s^-1 (Pomoell 2019 A&A)
double precision, dimension(2 *^nd), public mod_mf_phys::mf_decay_scale =0.d0
 decay scale of frictional velocity near boundaries
double precision, public mod_mf_phys::mf_glm_alpha = 0.5d0
 GLM-MHD parameter: ratio of the diffusive and advective time scales for div b taking values within [0, 1].
double precision, public mod_mf_phys::mf_eta = 0.0d0
 The resistivity.
double precision, public mod_mf_phys::mf_eta_hyper = 0.0d0
 The hyper-resistivity.
double precision, public, protected mod_mf_phys::he_abundance =0.1d0
 Helium abundance over Hydrogen.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mom
 Indices of the momentum density.
integer, public, protected mod_mf_phys::psi_
 Indices of the GLM psi.
integer, dimension(2 *^nd), public, protected mod_mf_phys::boundary_divbfix_skip =0
 To skip * layer of ghost cells during divB=0 fix for boundary.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mf_particles = .false.
 Whether particles module is added.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mf_glm = .false.
 Whether GLM-MHD is used.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::source_split_divb = .false.
 Whether divB cleaning sources are added splitting from fluid solver.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mf_4th_order = .false.
 MHD fourth order.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mf_record_electric_field = .false.
 set to true if need to record electric field on cell edges
integer, public, protected mod_mf_phys::mf_divb_nth = 1
 Whether divB is computed with a fourth order approximation.
logical, dimension(2 *^nd), public, protected mod_mf_phys::boundary_divbfix =.true.
 To control divB=0 fix for boundary.
logical, public mod_mf_phys::divbwave = .true.
 Add divB wave in Roe solver.
logical, public, protected mod_mf_phys::clean_initial_divb =.false.
 clean divb in the initial condition
character(len=std_len), public, protected mod_mf_phys::typedivbfix = 'ct'
 Method type to clean divergence of B.
character(len=std_len), public, protected mod_mf_phys::type_ct = 'average'
 Method type of constrained transport.