The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_srhd_phys.t File Reference

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module  mod_srhd_phys
 Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics (with EOS) physics module.


subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_write_info (fh)
 Write this module's parameters to a snapshot. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_phys_init ()
 Initialize the module. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_check_params
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_physical_units
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_check_w (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag)
 Returns logical argument flag T where values are not ok. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_check_w_aux (ixIL, ixOL, w, flag)
 Returns logical argument flag T where auxiliary values are not ok. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_auxiliary_prim (ixIL, ixOL, w)
 Set auxiliary variables lfac and xi from a primitive state only used when handle_small_values average on primitives. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_auxiliary (ixIL, ixOL, w, x)
 Compute auxiliary variables lfac and xi from a conservative state using srhd_con2prim to calculate enthalpy and lorentz factor. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_to_conserved (ixIL, ixOL, w, x)
 Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_to_primitive (ixIL, ixOL, w, x)
 Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_v (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, v)
 Calculate v vector from conservatives. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_csound2_rhoh (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, rhoh, csound2)
 Calculate the square of the thermal sound speed csound2 within ixO^L. here computed from conservative set WITH ADDED rho*h local version: does not do con2prim. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_csound2 (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, csound2)
 Calculate the square of the thermal sound speed csound2 within ixO^L. here computed from conservative set and uses con2prim!!! public version! More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_pthermal (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth)
 Calculate thermal pressure p within ixO^L must follow after update conservative with auxiliaries. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_add_source (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wCTprim, w, x, qsourcesplit, active)
 dummy addsource subroutine More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_dt (w, ixIL, ixOL, dtnew, dxD, x)
 dummy get_dt subroutine More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_cmax (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax)
 Calculate cmax_idim within ixO^L used especially for setdt CFL limit. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_a2max (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, a2max)
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_cmax_loc (ixIL, ixOL, vidim, csound2, v2, cmax, cmin)
 local version for recycling code when computing cmax-cmin More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_cbounds (wLC, wRC, wLp, wRp, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, Hspeed, cmax, cmin)
 Estimating bounds for the minimum and maximum signal velocities here we will not use Hspeed at all (one species only) More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_flux (wC, wP, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f)
 Calculate fluxes within ixO^L. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_add_source_geom (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wprim, w, x)
 Add geometrical source terms to w. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_handle_small_values (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname)
 handles bootstrapping More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_geff_eos (w, ixIL, ixOL, varconserve, Geff)
 calculate effective gamma More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_smallvalues_eos
 Compute the small value limits. More...
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_enthalpy_eos (ixOL, rho, p, rhoh)
 Compute the enthalpy rho*h from rho and pressure p. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_pressure_eos (ixIL, ixOL, rho, rhoh, p, E)
 Calculate thermal pressure p from density rho and enthalpy rho*h will provide p (and E if srhd_eos) More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_csound2_eos (ixIL, ixOL, rho, rhoh, csound2)
 Calculate the square of the thermal sound speed csound2 within ixO^L. available rho - rho*h. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_csound2_prim_eos (ixOL, rho, rhoh, p, csound2)
 Calculate the square of the thermal sound speed csound2 within ixO^L. available rho - rho*h - p. More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::con2prim_eos (lfac, xi, myd, myssqr, mytau, ierror)
 con2prim: (D,S**2,tau) --> compute auxiliaries lfac and xi More...
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::funcd_eos (xi, f, df, mylfac, d, ssqr, tau, ierror)
subroutine mod_srhd_phys::funcd (xi, f, df, mylfac, d, ssqr, tau, ierror)


logical, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::srhd_particles = .false.
 Whether particles module is added. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::srhd_n_tracer = 0
 Number of tracer species. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::rho_
 Index of the density (in the w array) More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::d_
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::mom
 Indices of the momentum density. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::tracer
 Indices of the tracers. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::e_
 Index of the energy density. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::p_
 Index of the gas pressure should equal e_. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::lfac_
 Index of the Lorentz factor. More...
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::xi_
 Index of the inertia. More...
logical, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_eos = .false.
 Whether synge eos is used. More...
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_gamma = 5.d0/3.0d0
 The adiabatic index and derived values. More...
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::inv_gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::gamma_to_gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::small_e
 The smallest allowed energy. More...
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::small_xi
 The smallest allowed inertia. More...
logical, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::srhd_force_diagonal = .false.
 Allows overruling default corner filling (for debug mode, otherwise corner primitives fail) More...
double precision, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::he_abundance =0.0d0
 Helium abundance over Hydrogen. More...
integer, public mod_srhd_phys::maxitnr = 100
 parameters for NR in con2prim More...
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::absaccnr = 1.0d-8
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::tolernr = 1.0d-9
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::dmaxvel = 1.0d-7
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::lfacmax
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::minp
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::minrho
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::smalltau
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::smallxi