The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_srhd_phys.t File Reference

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module  mod_srhd_phys
 Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics (with EOS) physics module.


subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_phys_init ()
 Initialize the module.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_check_params
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_check_w (primitive, ixil, ixol, w, flag)
 Returns logical argument flag T where values are not ok.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_auxiliary_prim (ixil, ixol, w)
 Set auxiliary variables lfac and xi from a primitive state only used when handle_small_values average on primitives.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_auxiliary (ixil, ixol, w, x)
 Compute auxiliary variables lfac and xi from a conservative state using srhd_con2prim to calculate enthalpy and lorentz factor.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_to_conserved (ixil, ixol, w, x)
 Transform primitive variables into conservative ones.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_to_primitive (ixil, ixol, w, x)
 Transform conservative variables into primitive ones.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_csound2 (w, x, ixil, ixol, csound2)
 Calculate the square of the thermal sound speed csound2 within ixO^L. here computed from conservative set and uses con2prim!!! public version!
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_pthermal (w, x, ixil, ixol, pth)
 Calculate thermal pressure p within ixO^L must follow after update conservative with auxiliaries.
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_geff_eos (w, ixil, ixol, varconserve, geff)
 calculate effective gamma
subroutine, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_get_enthalpy_eos (ixol, rho, p, rhoh)
 Compute the enthalpy rho*h from rho and pressure p.


logical, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::srhd_particles = .false.
 Whether particles module is added.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::srhd_n_tracer = 0
 Number of tracer species.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::rho_
 Index of the density (in the w array)
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::d_
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::mom
 Indices of the momentum density.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::tracer
 Indices of the tracers.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::e_
 Index of the energy density.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::p_
 Index of the gas pressure should equal e_.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::lfac_
 Index of the Lorentz factor.
integer, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::xi_
 Index of the inertia.
logical, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_eos = .false.
 Whether synge eos is used.
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::srhd_gamma = 5.d0/3.0d0
 The adiabatic index and derived values.
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::inv_gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::gamma_to_gamma_1
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::small_e
 The smallest allowed energy.
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::small_xi
 The smallest allowed inertia.
double precision, public, protected mod_srhd_phys::he_abundance =0.0d0
 Helium abundance over Hydrogen.
integer, public mod_srhd_phys::maxitnr = 100
 parameters for NR in con2prim
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::absaccnr = 1.0d-8
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::tolernr = 1.0d-9
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::dmaxvel = 1.0d-7
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::lfacmax
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::minp
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::minrho
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::smalltau
double precision, public mod_srhd_phys::smallxi