Here is a list of all data types members with links to the data types they belong to:
- l -
- l : mod_physicaldata::state
- l_ppl : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- lcool : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- leaf : mod_forest::tree_node
- leaves : m_octree_mg_1d::mg_lvl_t, m_octree_mg_2d::mg_lvl_t, m_octree_mg_3d::mg_lvl_t
- level : mod_forest::tree_node, mod_physicaldata::state
- lgstep : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- lgtcoolmax : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- lgtcoolmin : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- low_frac : mod_lookup_table::lt2_loc_t, mod_lookup_table::lt3_loc_t, mod_lookup_table::lt_loc_t
- lowest_lvl : m_octree_mg_1d::mg_t, m_octree_mg_2d::mg_t, m_octree_mg_3d::mg_t
- lref : mod_radiative_cooling::rc_fluid
- lvl : m_octree_mg_1d::mg_box_t, m_octree_mg_2d::mg_box_t, m_octree_mg_3d::mg_box_t
- lvls : m_octree_mg_1d::mg_t, m_octree_mg_2d::mg_t, m_octree_mg_3d::mg_t