The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
Module with all the methods that users can customize in AMRVAC. More...
Data Types | |
interface | a_refine_threshold |
use different threshold in special regions for AMR to reduce/increase resolution there where nothing/something interesting happens. More... | |
interface | add_aux_names |
Add names for the auxiliary variables. More... | |
interface | after_refine |
interface | aux_output |
this subroutine can be used in convert, to add auxiliary variables to the converted output file, for further analysis using tecplot, paraview, .... these auxiliary values need to be stored in the nw+1:nw+nwauxio slots More... | |
interface | check_particle |
Check arbitrary particle conditions or modifications. More... | |
interface | create_particles |
Create particles. More... | |
interface | flag_grid |
flag=-1 : Treat all cells active, omit deactivation (onentry, default) flag=0 : Treat as normal domain flag=1 : Treat as passive, but reduce by safety belt flag=2 : Always treat as passive More... | |
interface | get_dt |
Limit "dt" further if necessary, e.g. due to the special source terms. The getdt_courant (CFL condition) and the getdt subroutine in the AMRVACPHYS module have already been called. More... | |
interface | hd_pthermal |
Calculation anormal pressure for hd & energy=.False. More... | |
interface | init_one_grid |
Initialize one grid. More... | |
interface | init_vector_potential |
initialize vector potential on cell edges for magnetic field More... | |
interface | internal_bc |
internal boundary, user defined This subroutine can be used to artificially overwrite ALL conservative variables in a user-selected region of the mesh, and thereby act as an internal boundary region. It is called just before external (ghost cell) boundary regions will be set by the BC selection. Here, you could e.g. want to introduce an extra variable (nwextra, to be distinguished from nwaux) which can be used to identify the internal boundary region location. Its effect should always be local as it acts on the mesh. More... | |
interface | p_no_args |
interface | particle_analytic |
interface | particle_fields |
Associate fields to particle. More... | |
interface | particle_position |
User-defined particle movement. More... | |
interface | phys_dust_get_3d_dragforce |
Calculate the 3d drag force of gas onto dust. More... | |
interface | phys_dust_get_dt |
Calculate the time step associated with the usr drag force. More... | |
interface | phys_gravity |
Calculate gravitational acceleration in each dimension. More... | |
interface | phys_visco |
Calculation anormal viscosity depending on space. More... | |
interface | process_adv_global |
for processing after the advance (PIC-MHD, e.g.) More... | |
interface | process_adv_grid |
for processing after the advance (PIC-MHD, e.g.) More... | |
interface | process_global |
This subroutine is called at the beginning of each time step by each processor. No communication is specified, so the user has to implement MPI routines if information has to be shared. More... | |
interface | process_grid |
this subroutine is ONLY to be used for computing auxiliary variables which happen to be non-local (like div v), and are in no way used for flux computations. As auxiliaries, they are also not advanced More... | |
interface | refine_grid |
Enforce additional refinement or coarsening One can use the coordinate info in x and/or time qt=t_n and w(t_n) values w. you must set consistent values for integers refine/coarsen: refine = -1 enforce to not refine refine = 0 doesn't enforce anything refine = 1 enforce refinement coarsen = -1 enforce to not coarsen coarsen = 0 doesn't enforce anything coarsen = 1 enforce coarsen e.g. refine for negative first coordinate x < 0 as if (any(x(ix^S,1) < zero)) refine=1. More... | |
interface | rfactor |
Calculation R factor for ideal gas law with partial ionization. More... | |
interface | set_b0 |
Here one can add a steady (time-independent) potential background field. More... | |
interface | set_electric_field |
interface | set_equi_vars |
Here one can add a steady (time-independent) equi vars. More... | |
interface | set_field |
interface | set_field_w |
interface | set_j0 |
Here one can add a time-independent background current density. More... | |
interface | set_surface |
interface | set_wlr |
allow user to specify 'variables' left and right state at physical boundaries to control flux through the boundary surface More... | |
interface | source |
Calculate w(iw)=w(iw)+qdt*SOURCE[wCT,qtC,x] within ixO for all indices iw=iwmin...iwmax. wCT is at time qCT. More... | |
interface | special_aniso_opacity |
Set user defined, anisotropic opacity for use in diffusion coeff, heating and cooling, and radiation force. More... | |
interface | special_bc |
special boundary types, users must assign conservative variables in boundaries More... | |
interface | special_convert |
Allow user to use their own data-postprocessing procedures. More... | |
interface | special_diffcoef |
Set user defined FLD diffusion coefficient. More... | |
interface | special_fluxlimiter |
Set user defined FLD flux limiter, lambda. More... | |
interface | special_mg_bc |
Special boundary type for radiation hydrodynamics module, only used to set the boundary conditions for the radiation energy. More... | |
interface | special_opacity |
Set user defined opacity for use in diffusion coeff, heating and cooling, and radiation force. More... | |
interface | special_opacity_qdot |
Set user defined opacity for use in diffusion coeff, heating and cooling, and radiation force. Overwrites special_opacity. More... | |
interface | special_resistivity |
Set the "eta" array for resistive MHD based on w or the "current" variable which has components between idirmin and 3. More... | |
interface | sub_modify_io |
If defined, this routine is called before writing output, and it can set/modify the variables in the w array. More... | |
interface | transform_w |
adjust w when restart from dat file with different w variables More... | |
interface | update_payload |
Update payload of particles. More... | |
interface | var_for_errest |
this is the place to compute a local auxiliary variable to be used as refinement criterion for the Lohner error estimator only -->it is then requiring and iflag>nw note that ixO=ixI=ixG, hence the term local (gradients need special attention!) More... | |
Variables | |
procedure(p_no_args), pointer | usr_set_parameters => null() |
Initialize the user's settings (after initializing amrvac) | |
procedure(init_one_grid), pointer | usr_init_one_grid => null() |
Initialize earch grid block data. | |
procedure(special_bc), pointer | usr_special_bc => null() |
procedure(special_mg_bc), pointer | usr_special_mg_bc => null() |
procedure(internal_bc), pointer | usr_internal_bc => null() |
procedure(p_no_args), pointer | usr_print_log => null() |
procedure(p_no_args), pointer | usr_write_analysis => null() |
procedure(transform_w), pointer | usr_transform_w => null() |
procedure(aux_output), pointer | usr_aux_output => null() |
procedure(add_aux_names), pointer | usr_add_aux_names => null() |
procedure(sub_modify_io), pointer | usr_modify_output => null() |
procedure(special_convert), pointer | usr_special_convert => null() |
procedure(process_grid), pointer | usr_process_grid => null() |
procedure(process_global), pointer | usr_process_global => null() |
procedure(process_adv_grid), pointer | usr_process_adv_grid => null() |
procedure(process_adv_global), pointer | usr_process_adv_global => null() |
procedure(p_no_args), pointer | usr_improve_initial_condition => null() |
procedure(p_no_args), pointer | usr_before_main_loop => null() |
procedure(source), pointer | usr_source => null() |
procedure(get_dt), pointer | usr_get_dt => null() |
procedure(phys_gravity), pointer | usr_gravity => null() |
procedure(phys_dust_get_dt), pointer | usr_dust_get_dt => null() |
procedure(phys_dust_get_3d_dragforce), pointer | usr_get_3d_dragforce => null() |
procedure(phys_visco), pointer | usr_setvisco => null() |
procedure(hd_pthermal), pointer | usr_set_pthermal => null() |
procedure(refine_grid), pointer | usr_refine_grid => null() |
procedure(var_for_errest), pointer | usr_var_for_errest => null() |
procedure(a_refine_threshold), pointer | usr_refine_threshold => null() |
procedure(flag_grid), pointer | usr_flag_grid => null() |
procedure(set_b0), pointer | usr_set_b0 => null() |
procedure(set_equi_vars), pointer | usr_set_equi_vars => null() |
procedure(set_j0), pointer | usr_set_j0 => null() |
procedure(special_resistivity), pointer | usr_special_resistivity => null() |
procedure(update_payload), pointer | usr_update_payload => null() |
procedure(create_particles), pointer | usr_create_particles => null() |
procedure(check_particle), pointer | usr_check_particle => null() |
procedure(particle_fields), pointer | usr_particle_fields => null() |
procedure(particle_analytic), pointer | usr_particle_analytic => null() |
procedure(particle_position), pointer | usr_particle_position => null() |
procedure(special_opacity), pointer | usr_special_opacity => null() |
procedure(special_aniso_opacity), pointer | usr_special_aniso_opacity => null() |
procedure(special_opacity_qdot), pointer | usr_special_opacity_qdot => null() |
procedure(special_fluxlimiter), pointer | usr_special_fluxlimiter => null() |
procedure(special_diffcoef), pointer | usr_special_diffcoef => null() |
procedure(after_refine), pointer | usr_after_refine => null() |
procedure(init_vector_potential), pointer | usr_init_vector_potential => null() |
procedure(set_electric_field), pointer | usr_set_electric_field => null() |
procedure(set_wlr), pointer | usr_set_wlr => null() |
procedure(set_surface), pointer | usr_set_surface => null() |
procedure(set_field_w), pointer | usr_set_field_w => null() |
procedure(set_field), pointer | usr_set_field => null() |
procedure(rfactor), pointer | usr_rfactor => null() |
Module with all the methods that users can customize in AMRVAC.
Each procedure pointer can be initialized in a user's mod_usr.t
procedure(add_aux_names), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_add_aux_names => null() |
Definition at line 25 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(after_refine), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_after_refine => null() |
Definition at line 88 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(aux_output), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_aux_output => null() |
Definition at line 24 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(p_no_args), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_before_main_loop => null() |
Definition at line 41 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(check_particle), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_check_particle => null() |
Definition at line 75 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(create_particles), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_create_particles => null() |
Definition at line 74 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(phys_dust_get_dt), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_dust_get_dt => null() |
Definition at line 49 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(flag_grid), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_flag_grid => null() |
Definition at line 62 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(phys_dust_get_3d_dragforce), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_get_3d_dragforce => null() |
Definition at line 50 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(get_dt), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_get_dt => null() |
Definition at line 45 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(phys_gravity), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_gravity => null() |
Definition at line 46 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(p_no_args), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_improve_initial_condition => null() |
Definition at line 38 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(init_one_grid), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_init_one_grid => null() |
Initialize earch grid block data.
Definition at line 12 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(init_vector_potential), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_init_vector_potential => null() |
Definition at line 91 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(internal_bc), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_internal_bc => null() |
Definition at line 18 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(sub_modify_io), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_modify_output => null() |
Definition at line 26 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(particle_analytic), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_particle_analytic => null() |
Definition at line 77 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(particle_fields), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_particle_fields => null() |
Definition at line 76 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(particle_position), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_particle_position => null() |
Definition at line 78 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(p_no_args), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_print_log => null() |
Definition at line 21 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(process_adv_global), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_process_adv_global => null() |
Definition at line 35 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(process_adv_grid), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_process_adv_grid => null() |
Definition at line 34 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(process_global), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_process_global => null() |
Definition at line 31 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(process_grid), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_process_grid => null() |
Definition at line 30 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(refine_grid), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_refine_grid => null() |
Definition at line 59 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(a_refine_threshold), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_refine_threshold => null() |
Definition at line 61 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(rfactor), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_rfactor => null() |
Definition at line 109 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_b0), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_b0 => null() |
Definition at line 65 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_electric_field), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_electric_field => null() |
Definition at line 94 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_equi_vars), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_equi_vars => null() |
Definition at line 67 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_field), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_field => null() |
Definition at line 106 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_field_w), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_field_w => null() |
Definition at line 105 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_j0), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_j0 => null() |
Definition at line 69 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(p_no_args), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_parameters => null() |
Initialize the user's settings (after initializing amrvac)
Definition at line 10 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(hd_pthermal), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_pthermal => null() |
Definition at line 56 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_surface), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_surface => null() |
Definition at line 102 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(set_wlr), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_set_wlr => null() |
Definition at line 97 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(phys_visco), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_setvisco => null() |
Definition at line 53 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(source), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_source => null() |
Definition at line 44 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_aniso_opacity), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_aniso_opacity => null() |
Definition at line 82 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_bc), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_bc => null() |
Definition at line 15 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_convert), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_convert => null() |
Definition at line 27 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_diffcoef), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_diffcoef => null() |
Definition at line 85 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_fluxlimiter), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_fluxlimiter => null() |
Definition at line 84 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_mg_bc), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_mg_bc => null() |
Definition at line 16 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_opacity), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_opacity => null() |
Definition at line 81 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_opacity_qdot), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_opacity_qdot => null() |
Definition at line 83 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(special_resistivity), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_special_resistivity => null() |
Definition at line 70 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(transform_w), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_transform_w => null() |
Definition at line 23 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(update_payload), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_update_payload => null() |
Definition at line 73 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(var_for_errest), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_var_for_errest => null() |
Definition at line 60 of file mod_usr_methods.t.
procedure(p_no_args), pointer mod_usr_methods::usr_write_analysis => null() |
Definition at line 22 of file mod_usr_methods.t.