23 integer :: igrid, iigrid, levnew
59 call finish_gridvars()
84 integer :: igrid,iigrid, my_levmin, my_levmax
96 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
subroutine, public deallocatebfaces
subroutine, public resettree
reset AMR and (de)allocate boundary flux storage at level changes
subroutine, public resettree_convert
Force the tree to desired level(s) from level_io(_min/_max) used for conversion to vtk output.
subroutine, public settree
Build up AMR.
Module to coarsen and refine grids for AMR.
subroutine, public amr_coarsen_refine
coarsen and refine blocks to update AMR grid
subroutine, public errest
Do all local error estimation which determines (de)refinement.
subroutine, public forcedrefine_grid_io(igrid, w)
Module for flux conservation near refinement boundaries.
subroutine, public deallocatebflux
subroutine, public allocatebflux
update ghost cells of all blocks including physical boundaries
subroutine getbc(time, qdt, psb, nwstart, nwbc)
do update ghost cells of all blocks including physical boundaries
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
double precision global_time
The global simulation time.
logical stagger_grid
True for using stagger grid.
logical use_particles
Use particles module or not.
logical reset_grid
If true, rebuild the AMR grid upon restarting.
integer refine_max_level
Maximal number of AMR levels.
Module containing all the particle routines.