6 integer :: itag, irecv, isend
7 integer,
allocatable :: recvrequest, sendrequest
8 integer,
allocatable :: recvstatus, sendstatus
11 integer,
allocatable :: recvrequest_stg, sendrequest_stg
12 integer,
allocatable :: recvstatus_stg, sendstatus_stg
37 integer :: iigrid, igrid, ipe, igridco, ipeco, level, ic^
38 integer,
dimension(2^D&) :: igridfi, ipefi
39 integer :: n_coarsen, n_refine
50 n_coarsen = count(
coarsen(:, :))
51 n_refine = count(
refine(:, :))
58 recvrequest=mpi_request_null
59 sendrequest=mpi_request_null
64 recvrequest_stg=mpi_request_null
65 sendrequest_stg=mpi_request_null
75 sibling%node => tree%node%child(ic^
76 ipefi(ic^
77 igridfi(ic^
81 igridco=getnode(ipeco)
83 call coarsen_tree_leaf(igridco,ipeco,igridfi,ipefi,active)
85 call coarsen_grid_siblings(igridco,ipeco,igridfi,ipefi,active)
89 if (ipefi(ic^d)==ipeco)
90 call putnode(igridfi(ic^d),ipefi(ic^d))
91 coarsen(igridfi(ic^d),ipefi(ic^d))=.false.
99 call mpi_waitall(irecv,recvrequest,recvstatus,ierrmpi)
100 if(stagger_grid)
call mpi_waitall(irecv,recvrequest_stg,recvstatus_stg,ierrmpi)
103 call mpi_waitall(isend,sendrequest,sendstatus,ierrmpi)
104 if(stagger_grid)
call mpi_waitall(isend,sendrequest_stg,sendstatus_stg,ierrmpi)
107 deallocate(recvstatus,recvrequest,sendstatus,sendrequest)
108 if(stagger_grid)
112 do igrid=1,max_blocks
113 if (coarsen(igrid,ipe))
119 call putnode(igrid,ipe)
120 coarsen(igrid,ipe)=.false.
126 do igrid=1,max_blocks
127 if (refine(igrid,ipe))
130 igridfi(ic^d)=getnode(ipe)
134 call refine_tree_leaf(igridfi,ipefi,igrid,ipe,active)
136 if (ipe==mype)
call refine_grids(igridfi,ipefi,igrid,ipe,active)
139 call putnode(igrid,ipe)
140 refine(igrid,ipe)=.false.
149 if(.not.time_advance)
call mpi_barrier(icomm,ierrmpi)
151 if(stagger_grid)
call end_comm_faces
156 call amr_morton_order()
162 call build_connectivity
170 if (time_advance)
171 call getbc(global_time+dt,0.d0,ps,iwstart,nwgc)
173 call getbc(global_time,0.d0,ps,iwstart,nwgc)
176 if (use_multigrid)
call mg_update_refinement(n_coarsen, n_refine)
178 if (
179 call usr_after_refine(n_coarsen, n_refine)
191 logical,
allocatable :: refine2
192 integer :: iigrid, igrid, level, ic^D, inp^D, i^D, my_neighbor_type,ipe
193 logical :: coarsening, pole(ndim), sendbuf(max_blocks)
194 type(
tree_node_ptr) :: tree, p_neighbor, my_parent, sibling, my_neighbor, &
198 allocate(refine2(max_blocks,
199 call mpi_allreduce(
npe,mpi_logical,mpi_lor, &
204 call mpi_allgather(sendbuf,max_blocks,mpi_logical,
refine,max_blocks, &
211 if (.not.
213 if (
214 ic^d=1+modulo(tree%node%ig^d-1,2);
215 {
do inp^db=ic^db-2,ic^db-1\}
216 if (inp^d==0|.and.) cycle
217 p_neighbor%node => tree%node%parent%node
219 p_neighbor%node => p_neighbor%node%neighbor(ic^d,^d)%node
220 if (.not.
associated(p_neighbor%node)) cycle
222 if (p_neighbor%node%leaf)
223 refine(p_neighbor%node%igrid,p_neighbor%node%ipe)=.true.
228 tree%node => tree%node%next%node
235 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
236 if (refine(igrid,mype).and.coarsen(igrid,mype)) coarsen(igrid,mype)=.false.
240 sendbuf(:)=coarsen(:,mype)
241 call mpi_allgather(sendbuf,max_blocks,mpi_logical,coarsen,max_blocks, &
242 mpi_logical,icomm,ierrmpi)
244 do level=levmax,max(2,levmin),-1
245 tree%node => level_head(level)%node
247 if (.not.
249 if (coarsen(tree%node%igrid,tree%node%ipe))
251 my_parent%node => tree%node%parent%node
254 check1: {
do ic^db=1,2\}
255 sibling%node => my_parent%node%child(ic^d)%node
256 if (sibling%node%leaf)
257 if (coarsen(sibling%node%igrid,sibling%node%ipe)) cycle
266 check2: {
do ic^db=1,2\}
267 sibling%node => my_parent%node%child(ic^d)%node
268 {
do i^db=ic^db-2,ic^db-1\}
269 if (i^d==0|.and.) cycle
270 call find_neighbor(my_neighbor,my_neighbor_type, &
272 select case (my_neighbor_type)
273 case (neighbor_sibling)
274 if (refine(my_neighbor%node%igrid, &
275 my_neighbor%node%ipe))
282 neighborchild%node=>my_neighbor%node%child(1^d&)%node
283 if (neighborchild%node%leaf)
284 if (coarsen(neighborchild%node%igrid, &
285 neighborchild%node%ipe))
298 tree%node => tree%node%next%node
307 type(tree_node_ptr) :: sibling
310 sibling%node => my_parent%node%child(ic^d)%node
311 if (sibling%node%leaf)
312 coarsen(sibling%node%igrid,sibling%node%ipe)=.false.
322 subroutine coarsen_grid_siblings(igrid,ipe,child_igrid,child_ipe,active)
328 integer,
intent(in) :: igrid, ipe
329 integer,
intent(in) :: child_igrid, child_ipe
330 logical,
intent(in) :: active
332 integer :: igridFi, ipeFi, ixCo^L, ixCoG^L, ixCoM^L, ic^D, idir
337 if (.not. active)
338 if (ipe ==
341 igridfi=child_igrid(ic^d)
342 ipefi=child_ipe(ic^d)
353 igridfi=child_igrid(ic^d)
354 ipefi=child_ipe(ic^d)
356 if (ipefi==mype)
357 ^d&dxlevel(^d)=rnode(rpdx^d_,igridfi);
359 ixcomin^d=ixmlo^d+(ic^d-1)*(ixmhi^d-ixmlo^d+1)/2;
360 ixcomax^d=ixmhi^d+(ic^d-2)*(ixmhi^d-ixmlo^d+1)/2;
362 call coarsen_grid(ps(igridfi),ixg^ll,ixm^ll,ps(igrid),ixg^ll,ixco^l)
367 ixcogmax^d=ixghi^d/2+nghostcells;
368 ixcom^l=ixcog^l^lsubnghostcells;
369 call coarsen_grid(ps(igridfi),ixg^ll,ixm^ll,psc(igridfi), &
375 call mpi_isend(psc(igridfi)%w,1,type_coarse_block,ipe,itag, &
376 icomm,sendrequest(isend),ierrmpi)
377 if(stagger_grid)
380 itag_stg=(npe+ipefi+1)+igridfi*(ndir-1+idir)
381 call mpi_isend(psc(igridfi)%ws,1,type_coarse_block_stg(idir,ic^d),ipe,itag_stg, &
382 icomm,sendrequest_stg(isend),ierrmpi)
391 call mpi_irecv(ps(igrid)%w,1,type_sub_block(ic^d),ipefi,itag, &
392 icomm,recvrequest(irecv),ierrmpi)
393 if(stagger_grid)
396 itag_stg=(npe+ipefi+1)+igridfi*(ndir-1+idir)
397 call mpi_irecv(ps(igrid)%ws,1,type_sub_block_stg(idir,ic^d),ipefi,itag_stg, &
398 icomm,recvrequest_stg(irecv),ierrmpi)
405 end subroutine coarsen_grid_siblings
subroutine unflag_coarsen_siblings
subroutine, public store_faces
To achive consistency and thus conservation of divergence, when refining a block we take into account...
subroutine, public comm_faces
When refining a coarse block with fine neighbours, it is necessary prolong consistently with the alre...
subroutine, public find_neighbor(my_neighbor, my_neighbor_type, tree, iD, pole)
find neighors of all blocks
subroutine, public putnode(igrid, ipe)
subroutine, public alloc_node(igrid)
allocate arrays on igrid node
integer function, public getnode(ipe)
Get first available igrid on processor ipe.
Module to coarsen and refine grids for AMR.
subroutine proper_nesting
For all grids on all processors, do a check on refinement flags. Make sure that neighbors will not di...
subroutine, public amr_coarsen_refine
coarsen and refine blocks to update AMR grid
subroutine, public coarsen_grid(sFi, ixFiGL, ixFiL, sCo, ixCoGL, ixCoL)
coarsen one grid to its coarser representative
Module with basic grid data structures.
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save refine
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save coarsen
AMR flags and grids-in-use identifier per processor (igrid,ipe)
type(tree_node_ptr), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save igrid_to_node
Array to go from an [igrid, ipe] index to a node pointer.
type(tree_node_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable, save level_head
The head pointer of the linked list per refinement level.
subroutine, public get_level_range
subroutine, public build_connectivity
subroutine, public getigrids
subroutine, public refine_tree_leaf(child_igrid, child_ipe, igrid, ipe, active)
subroutine, public coarsen_tree_leaf(igrid, ipe, child_igrid, child_ipe, active)
update ghost cells of all blocks including physical boundaries
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
logical stagger_grid
True for using stagger grid.
integer icomm
The MPI communicator.
integer mype
The rank of the current MPI task.
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, parameter d
integer ierrmpi
A global MPI error return code.
integer npe
The number of MPI tasks.
integer nbufferx
Number of cells as buffer zone.
integer refine_max_level
Maximal number of AMR levels.
integer max_blocks
The maximum number of grid blocks in a processor.
subroutine, public initial_condition(igrid)
fill in initial condition
Module to couple the octree-mg library to AMRVAC. This file uses the VACPP preprocessor,...
subroutine, public refine_grids(child_igrid, child_ipe, igrid, ipe, active)
refine one block to its children blocks
subroutine, public selectgrids
Module with all the methods that users can customize in AMRVAC.
procedure(after_refine), pointer usr_after_refine