subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_write_info (fh) |
| Write this module's parameters to a snapsoht. More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_phys_init () |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_te_images |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_sts_set_source_tc_mhd (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, wres, fix_conserve_at_step, my_dt, igrid, nflux) |
double precision function | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_tc_dt_mhd (w, ixIL, ixOL, dxD, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_tc_handle_small_e (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, step) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::tc_params_read_mhd (fl) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::rc_params_read (fl) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::set_equi_vars_grid_faces (igrid, x, ixIL, ixOL) |
| sets the equilibrium variables More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::set_equi_vars_grid (igrid) |
| sets the equilibrium variables More...
double precision function, dimension(ixo^s, 1:nwc) | mod_mhd_phys::convert_vars_splitting (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, nwc) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_params |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_physical_units () |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_w_semirelati (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_w_origin (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_w_noe (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_w_inte (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_check_w_hde (primitive, ixIL, ixOL, w, flag) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_origin (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_origin_noe (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_hde (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_inte (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_split_rho (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_semirelati (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform primitive variables into conservative ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved_semirelati_noe (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_origin (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_origin_noe (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_hde (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_inte (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_split_rho (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_semirelati (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive_semirelati_noe (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform conservative variables into primitive ones. More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ei_to_e (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform internal energy to total energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ei_to_e_hde (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform internal energy to hydrodynamic energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ei_to_e_semirelati (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform internal energy to total energy and velocity to momentum. More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_e_to_ei (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform total energy to internal energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_e_to_ei_hde (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform hydrodynamic energy to internal energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_e_to_ei_semirelati (ixIL, ixOL, w, x) |
| Transform total energy to internal energy and momentum to velocity. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_values_semirelati (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_values_origin (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_values_inte (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_values_noe (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_values_hde (primitive, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, subname) |
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_v (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, v) |
| Calculate v vector. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cmax_origin (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax) |
| Calculate cmax_idim=csound+abs(v_idim) within ixO^L. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cmax_origin_noe (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax) |
| Calculate cmax_idim=csound+abs(v_idim) within ixO^L. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cmax_semirelati (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax) |
| Calculate cmax_idim for semirelativistic MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cmax_semirelati_noe (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax) |
| Calculate cmax_idim for semirelativistic MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_a2max (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, a2max) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_tcutoff (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, Tco_local, Tmax_local) |
| get adaptive cutoff temperature for TRAC (Johnston 2019 ApJL, 873, L22) More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_h_speed (wprim, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, Hspeed) |
| get H speed for H-correction to fix the carbuncle problem at grid-aligned shock front More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cbounds (wLC, wRC, wLp, wRp, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, Hspeed, cmax, cmin) |
| Estimating bounds for the minimum and maximum signal velocities without split. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cbounds_semirelati (wLC, wRC, wLp, wRp, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, Hspeed, cmax, cmin) |
| Estimating bounds for the minimum and maximum signal velocities without split. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_cbounds_split_rho (wLC, wRC, wLp, wRp, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, Hspeed, cmax, cmin) |
| Estimating bounds for the minimum and maximum signal velocities with rho split. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_ct_velocity (vcts, wLp, wRp, ixIL, ixOL, idim, cmax, cmin) |
| prepare velocities for ct methods More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_csound_prim (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, csound) |
| Calculate fast magnetosonic wave speed. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_csound_prim_split (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, csound) |
| Calculate fast magnetosonic wave speed. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_csound_semirelati (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, csound, gamma2) |
| Calculate cmax_idim for semirelativistic MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_csound_semirelati_noe (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, csound, gamma2) |
| Calculate cmax_idim for semirelativistic MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal_noe (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth) |
| Calculate isothermal thermal pressure. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal_inte (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth) |
| Calculate thermal pressure from internal energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal_origin (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth) |
| Calculate thermal pressure=(gamma-1)*(e-0.5*m**2/rho-b**2/2) within ixO^L. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal_semirelati (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth) |
| Calculate thermal pressure. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal_hde (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, pth) |
| Calculate thermal pressure=(gamma-1)*(e-0.5*m**2/rho) within ixO^L. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_from_te (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
| copy temperature from stored Te variable More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_from_eint (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
| Calculate temperature=p/rho when in e_ the internal energy is stored. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_from_etot (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
| Calculate temperature=p/rho when in e_ the total energy is stored. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_from_etot_with_equi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_from_eint_with_equi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature_equi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_rho_equi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pe_equi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_p_total (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, p) |
| Calculate total pressure within ixO^L including magnetic pressure. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
| Calculate fluxes within ixO^L without any splitting. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux_noe (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
| Calculate fluxes within ixO^L without any splitting. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux_hde (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
| Calculate fluxes with hydrodynamic energy equation. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux_split (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
| Calculate fluxes within ixO^L with possible splitting. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux_semirelati (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
| Calculate semirelativistic fluxes within ixO^L without any splitting. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_flux_semirelati_noe (wC, w, x, ixIL, ixOL, idim, f) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_ambipolar_internal_energy (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x, ie) |
| Source terms J.E in internal energy. For the ambipolar term E = ambiCoef * JxBxB=ambiCoef * B^2(-J_perpB) More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_jxbxb (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::sts_set_source_ambipolar (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, wres, fix_conserve_at_step, my_dt, igrid, nflux) |
| Sets the sources for the ambipolar this is used for the STS method. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::update_faces_ambipolar (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, ECC, fE, circ) |
| get ambipolar electric field and the integrals around cell faces More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::get_flux_on_cell_face (ixIL, ixOL, ff, src) |
| use cell-center flux to get cell-face flux and get the source term as the divergence of the flux More...
double precision function | mod_mhd_phys::get_ambipolar_dt (w, ixIL, ixOL, dxD, x) |
| Calculates the explicit dt for the ambipokar term This function is used by both explicit scheme and STS method. More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::multiplyambicoef (ixIL, ixOL, res, w, x) |
| multiply res by the ambipolar coefficient The ambipolar coefficient is calculated as -mhd_eta_ambi/rho^2 The user may mask its value in the user file by implemneting usr_mask_ambipolar subroutine More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_add_source (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wCTprim, w, x, qsourcesplit, active) |
| w[iws]=w[iws]+qdt*S[iws,wCT] where S is the source based on wCT within ixO More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_pe0_divv (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::get_tau (ixIL, ixOL, w, Te, tau, sigT5) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_hypertc_source (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x, wCTprim) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::get_lorentz_force (ixIL, ixOL, w, JxB) |
| Compute the Lorentz force (JxB) More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_gamma2_alfven (ixIL, ixOL, w, gamma_A2) |
| Compute 1/(1+v_A^2/c^2) for semirelativistic MHD, where v_A is the Alfven velocity. More...
double precision function, dimension(ixo^s) | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_gamma_alfven (w, ixIL, ixOL) |
| Compute 1/sqrt(1+v_A^2/c^2) for semirelativisitic MHD, where v_A is the Alfven velocity. More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_rho (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, rho) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_handle_small_ei (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, ie, subname) |
| handle small or negative internal energy More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_update_temperature (ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_b0split (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
| Source terms after split off time-independent magnetic field. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_semirelativistic (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x, wCTprim) |
| Source terms for semirelativistic MHD Gombosi 2002 JCP 177, 176. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_internal_e (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x, wCTprim) |
| Source terms for internal energy version of MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_hydrodynamic_e (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x, wCTprim) |
| Source terms for hydrodynamic energy version of MHD. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_res1 (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
| Add resistive source to w within ixO Uses 3 point stencil (1 neighbour) in each direction, non-conservative. If the fourthorder precompiler flag is set, uses fourth order central difference for the laplacian. Then the stencil is 5 (2 neighbours). More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_res2 (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
| Add resistive source to w within ixO Uses 5 point stencil (2 neighbours) in each direction, conservative. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_hyperres (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
| Add Hyper-resistive source to w within ixO Uses 9 point stencil (4 neighbours) in each direction. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_glm (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_powel (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
| Add divB related sources to w within ixO corresponding to Powel. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_janhunen (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::add_source_linde (qdt, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, w, x) |
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::get_normalized_divb (w, ixIL, ixOL, divb) |
| get dimensionless div B = |divB| * volume / area / |B| More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::get_current (w, ixIL, ixOL, idirmin, current) |
| Calculate idirmin and the idirmin:3 components of the common current array make sure that dxlevel(^D) is set correctly. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_dt (w, ixIL, ixOL, dtnew, dxD, x) |
| If resistivity is not zero, check diffusion time limit for dt. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_add_source_geom (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wprim, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_add_source_geom_semirelati (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wprim, w, x) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_add_source_geom_split (qdt, dtfactor, ixIL, ixOL, wCT, wprim, w, x) |
double precision function, dimension(ixo^s), public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_mag_en_all (w, ixIL, ixOL) |
| Compute 2 times total magnetic energy. More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_getv_hall (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, vHall) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_jambi (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, res) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_modify_wlr (ixIL, ixOL, qt, wLC, wRC, wLp, wRp, s, idir) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_boundary_adjust (igrid, psb) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::fixdivb_boundary (ixGL, ixOL, w, x, iB) |
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_clean_divb_multigrid (qdt, qt, active) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_update_faces (ixIL, ixOL, qt, qdt, wprim, fC, fE, sCT, s, vcts) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::update_faces_average (ixIL, ixOL, qt, qdt, fC, fE, sCT, s) |
| get electric field though averaging neighors to update faces in CT More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::update_faces_contact (ixIL, ixOL, qt, qdt, wp, fC, fE, sCT, s, vcts) |
| update faces using UCT contact mode by Gardiner and Stone 2005 JCP 205, 509 More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::update_faces_hll (ixIL, ixOL, qt, qdt, fE, sCT, s, vcts) |
| update faces More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::get_resistive_electric_field (ixIL, ixOL, sCT, s, jce) |
| calculate eta J at cell edges More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::get_ambipolar_electric_field (ixIL, ixOL, w, x, fE) |
| get ambipolar electric field on cell edges More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_face_to_center (ixOL, s) |
| calculate cell-center values from face-center values More...
subroutine, public | mod_mhd_phys::b_from_vector_potential (ixIsL, ixIL, ixOL, ws, x) |
| calculate magnetic field from vector potential More...
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::rfactor_from_temperature_ionization (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, Rfactor) |
subroutine | mod_mhd_phys::rfactor_from_constant_ionization (w, x, ixIL, ixOL, Rfactor) |
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_gamma = 5.d0/3.0d0 |
| The adiabatic index. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_adiab = 1.0d0 |
| The adiabatic constant. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_eta = 0.0d0 |
| The MHD resistivity. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_eta_hyper = 0.0d0 |
| The MHD hyper-resistivity. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_etah = 0.0d0 |
| Hall resistivity. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_eta_ambi = 0.0d0 |
| The MHD ambipolar coefficient. More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_trac_mask = 0.d0 |
| Height of the mask used in the TRAC method. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_glm_alpha = 0.5d0 |
| GLM-MHD parameter: ratio of the diffusive and advective time scales for div b taking values within [0, 1]. More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_reduced_c = 0.02d0*const_c |
| Reduced speed of light for semirelativistic MHD: 2% of light speed. More...
double precision, public | mod_mhd_phys::hypertc_kappa |
| The thermal conductivity kappa in hyperbolic thermal conduction. More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::he_abundance =0.1d0 |
| Helium abundance over Hydrogen. More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::h_ion_fr =1d0 |
| Ionization fraction of H H_ion_fr = H+/(H+ + H) More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::he_ion_fr =1d0 |
| Ionization fraction of He He_ion_fr = (He2+ + He+)/(He2+ + He+ + He) More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::he_ion_fr2 =1d0 |
| Ratio of number He2+ / number He+ + He2+ He_ion_fr2 = He2+/(He2+ + He+) More...
double precision, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::rr =1d0 |
integer, public | mod_mhd_phys::equi_rho0_ = -1 |
| equi vars indices in the stateequi_vars array More...
integer, public | mod_mhd_phys::equi_pe0_ = -1 |
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_n_tracer = 0 |
| Number of tracer species. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::rho_ |
| Index of the density (in the w array) More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mom |
| Indices of the momentum density. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::c |
| Indices of the momentum density for the form of better vectorization. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::m |
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::c_ |
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::e_ |
| Index of the energy density (-1 if not present) More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::b |
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::p_ |
| Index of the gas pressure (-1 if not present) should equal e_. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::q_ |
| Index of the heat flux q. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::psi_ |
| Indices of the GLM psi. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::te_ |
| Indices of temperature. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::tcoff_ |
| Index of the cutoff temperature for the TRAC method. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::tweight_ |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::tracer |
| Indices of the tracers. More...
integer, dimension(2 *^nd), public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::boundary_divbfix_skip =0 |
| To skip * layer of ghost cells during divB=0 fix for boundary. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_energy = .true. |
| Whether an energy equation is used. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_thermal_conduction = .false. |
| Whether thermal conduction is used. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_radiative_cooling = .false. |
| Whether radiative cooling is added. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_hyperbolic_thermal_conduction = .false. |
| Whether thermal conduction is used. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_viscosity = .false. |
| Whether viscosity is added. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_gravity = .false. |
| Whether gravity is added. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_rotating_frame = .false. |
| Whether rotating frame is activated. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_hall = .false. |
| Whether Hall-MHD is used. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ambipolar = .false. |
| Whether Ambipolar term is used. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ambipolar_sts = .false. |
| Whether Ambipolar term is implemented using supertimestepping. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_ambipolar_exp = .false. |
| Whether Ambipolar term is implemented explicitly. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_particles = .false. |
| Whether particles module is added. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_magnetofriction = .false. |
| Whether magnetofriction is added. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_glm = .false. |
| Whether GLM-MHD is used to control div B. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_glm_extended = .true. |
| Whether extended GLM-MHD is used with additional sources. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_trac = .false. |
| Whether TRAC method is used. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_trac_type =1 |
| Which TRAC method is used. More...
integer, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_trac_finegrid =4 |
| Distance between two adjacent traced magnetic field lines (in finest cell size) More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_internal_e = .false. |
| Whether internal energy is solved instead of total energy. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_hydrodynamic_e = .false. |
| Whether hydrodynamic energy is solved instead of total energy. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::source_split_divb = .false. |
| Whether divB cleaning sources are added splitting from fluid solver. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_semirelativistic = .false. |
| Whether semirelativistic MHD equations (Gombosi 2002 JCP) are solved. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_partial_ionization = .false. |
| Whether plasma is partially ionized. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_cak_force = .false. |
| Whether CAK radiation line force is activated. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_4th_order = .false. |
| MHD fourth order. More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::has_equi_rho0 = .false. |
| whether split off equilibrium density More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::has_equi_pe0 = .false. |
| whether split off equilibrium thermal pressure More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_equi_thermal = .false. |
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_dump_full_vars = .false. |
| whether dump full variables (when splitting is used) in a separate dat file More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_divb_4thorder = .false. |
| Whether divB is computed with a fourth order approximation. More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::divbwave = .true. |
| Add divB wave in Roe solver. More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::clean_initial_divb = .false. |
| clean initial divB More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::eq_state_units = .true. |
logical, dimension(2 *^nd), public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::boundary_divbfix =.true. |
| To control divB=0 fix for boundary. More...
logical, public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::b0field_forcefree =.true. |
| B0 field is force-free. More...
logical, public | mod_mhd_phys::partial_energy = .false. |
| Whether an internal or hydrodynamic energy equation is used. More...
character(len=std_len), public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::typedivbfix = 'linde' |
| Method type to clean divergence of B. More...
character(len=std_len), public, protected | mod_mhd_phys::type_ct = 'uct_contact' |
| Method type of constrained transport. More...
type(tc_fluid), allocatable, public | mod_mhd_phys::tc_fl |
| type of fluid for thermal conduction More...
type(te_fluid), allocatable, public | mod_mhd_phys::te_fl_mhd |
| type of fluid for thermal emission synthesis More...
type(rc_fluid), allocatable, public | mod_mhd_phys::rc_fl |
| type of fluid for radiative cooling More...
procedure(mask_subroutine), pointer, public | mod_mhd_phys::usr_mask_ambipolar => null() |
procedure(sub_convert), pointer, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_primitive => null() |
procedure(sub_convert), pointer, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_to_conserved => null() |
procedure(sub_get_pthermal), pointer, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_pthermal => null() |
procedure(sub_get_pthermal), pointer, public | mod_mhd_phys::mhd_get_temperature => null() |