The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid Type Reference

Public Attributes

double precision tc_k_para
 Coefficient of thermal conductivity (parallel to magnetic field)
double precision tc_k_perp
 Coefficient of thermal conductivity perpendicular to magnetic field.
integer e_ =-1
 Indices of the variables.
integer tcoff_
 Index of cut off temperature for TRAC.
integer tc_slope_limiter
 Name of slope limiter for transverse component of thermal flux.
logical has_equi =.false.
logical tc_constant =.false.
 Logical switch for test constant conductivity.
logical tc_perpendicular =.false.
 Calculate thermal conduction perpendicular to magnetic field (.true.) or not (.false.)
logical tc_saturate =.false.
 Consider thermal conduction saturation effect (.true.) or not (.false.)

Static Public Attributes

procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass get_rho => null()
procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass get_rho_equi => null()
procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass get_temperature_from_eint => null()
procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass get_temperature_from_conserved => null()
procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass get_temperature_equi => null()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 63 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

Member Data Documentation

◆ e_

integer mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::e_ =-1

Indices of the variables.

Definition at line 73 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ get_rho

procedure (get_var_subr), pointer, nopass mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::get_rho => null()

Definition at line 91 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ get_rho_equi

procedure (get_var_subr), pointer, nopass mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::get_rho_equi => null()

Definition at line 92 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ get_temperature_equi

procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::get_temperature_equi => null()

Definition at line 95 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ get_temperature_from_conserved

procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::get_temperature_from_conserved => null()

Definition at line 94 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ get_temperature_from_eint

procedure(get_var_subr), pointer, nopass mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::get_temperature_from_eint => null()

Definition at line 93 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ has_equi

logical mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::has_equi =.false.

Definition at line 80 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_constant

logical mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_constant =.false.

Logical switch for test constant conductivity.

Definition at line 83 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_k_para

double precision mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_k_para

Coefficient of thermal conductivity (parallel to magnetic field)

Definition at line 67 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_k_perp

double precision mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_k_perp

Coefficient of thermal conductivity perpendicular to magnetic field.

Definition at line 70 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_perpendicular

logical mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_perpendicular =.false.

Calculate thermal conduction perpendicular to magnetic field (.true.) or not (.false.)

Definition at line 86 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_saturate

logical mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_saturate =.false.

Consider thermal conduction saturation effect (.true.) or not (.false.)

Definition at line 89 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tc_slope_limiter

integer mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tc_slope_limiter

Name of slope limiter for transverse component of thermal flux.

Definition at line 77 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

◆ tcoff_

integer mod_thermal_conduction::tc_fluid::tcoff_

Index of cut off temperature for TRAC.

Definition at line 75 of file mod_thermal_conduction.t.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: