subroutine | mod_particle_base::particles_finish () |
| Finalize the particles module.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::particles_params_read (files) |
| Read this module's parameters from a file.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::particle_base_init () |
| Give initial values to parameters.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::init_particles_com () |
| Initialize communicators for particles.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_maxwellian_velocity (v, velocity) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_uniform_pos (x) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::init_gridvars () |
| Initialize grid variables for particles.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::finish_gridvars () |
| Deallocate grid variables for particles.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::fill_gridvars_default |
| This routine fills the particle grid variables with the default for mhd, i.e. only E and B.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::fields_from_mhd (igrid, w_mhd, w_part) |
| Determine fields from MHD variables.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::particle_get_current (w, ixil, ixol, idirmin, current) |
| Calculate idirmin and the idirmin:3 components of the common current array make sure that dxlevel(^D) is set correctly.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::update_gridvars () |
| update grid variables for particles
subroutine | mod_particle_base::handle_particles () |
| Let particles evolve in time. The routine also handles grid variables and output.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::advance_particles (end_time, steps_taken) |
| Routine handles the particle evolution.
pure subroutine | mod_particle_base::limit_dt_endtime (t_left, dt_p) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_vec (ix, igrid, x, tloc, vec) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_bfield (igrid, x, tloc, b) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_efield (igrid, x, tloc, e) |
pure subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_lfac (u, lfac) |
| Get Lorentz factor from relativistic momentum.
pure subroutine | mod_particle_base::get_lfac_from_velocity (v, lfac) |
| Get Lorentz factor from velocity.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::cross (a, b, c) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::interpolate_var (igrid, ixil, ixol, gf, x, xloc, gfloc) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::time_spent_on_particles () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::read_particles_snapshot (file_exists) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::read_from_snapshot () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::write_particles_snapshot () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::append_to_snapshot (myparticle, mypayload) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::init_particles_output () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::select_active_particles (end_time) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::locate_particle (index, igrid_particle, ipe_particle) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::find_particle_ipe (x, igrid_particle, ipe_particle) |
logical function | mod_particle_base::particle_in_domain (x) |
| Check if particle is inside computational domain.
logical function | mod_particle_base::particle_in_igrid (ipart, igrid) |
| Quick check if particle is still in igrid.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::set_neighbor_ipe () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::ipe_fc (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::ipe_srl (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::ipe_cf (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::write_particle_output () |
character(len=128) function | mod_particle_base::make_particle_filename (tout, index, type) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::output_ensemble (send_n_particles_for_output, send_particles, send_payload, typefile) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::output_individual () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::output_particle (myparticle, payload, ipe, file_unit) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::partcoord_to_cartesian (xp, xpcart) |
| Convert position to Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::partcoord_from_cartesian (xp, xpcart) |
| Convert to noncartesian coordinates.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::partvec_to_cartesian (xp, up, upcart) |
| Convert vector to Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::partvec_from_cartesian (xp, up, upcart) |
| Convert vector from Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine | mod_particle_base::fix_phi_crossing (xp, igrid) |
| Fix particle position when crossing the 0,2pi boundary in noncartesian coordinates.
logical function | mod_particle_base::point_in_igrid_ghostc (x, igrid, ngh) |
| Quick check if particle coordinate is inside igrid (ghost cells included, except the last ngh)
subroutine | mod_particle_base::comm_particles () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::comm_particles_global () |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::apply_periodb (particle, igrid_particle, ipe_particle, bc_applied) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::destroy_particles (destroy_n_particles_mype, particle_index_to_be_destroyed) |
| clean up destroyed particles on all cores
subroutine | mod_particle_base::push_particle_into_particles_on_mype (ipart) |
subroutine | mod_particle_base::pull_particle_from_particles_on_mype (ipart) |
double precision, dimension(3) | mod_particle_base::integrator_velocity_factor |
| Normalization factor for velocity in the integrator.
double precision | mod_particle_base::tmax_particles |
| Time limit of particles.
double precision | mod_particle_base::min_particle_time |
| Minimum time of all particles.
double precision | mod_particle_base::dtsave_particles |
| Time interval to save particles.
double precision | mod_particle_base::const_dt_particles |
| If positive, a constant time step for the particles.
double precision | mod_particle_base::particles_cfl |
| Particle CFL safety factor.
double precision | mod_particle_base::t_next_output |
| Time to write next particle output.
double precision | mod_particle_base::particles_eta |
| Resistivity.
double precision | mod_particle_base::particles_etah |
double precision | mod_particle_base::dtheta |
integer | mod_particle_base::downsample_particles |
| Particle downsampling factor in CSV output.
integer | mod_particle_base::nparticleshi |
| Maximum number of particles.
integer | mod_particle_base::nparticles_per_cpu_hi |
| Maximum number of particles in one processor.
integer | mod_particle_base::ndefpayload |
| Number of default payload variables for a particle.
integer | mod_particle_base::nusrpayload |
| Number of user-defined payload variables for a particle.
integer | mod_particle_base::npayload |
| Number of total payload variables for a particle.
integer | mod_particle_base::ngridvars |
| Number of variables for grid field.
integer | mod_particle_base::num_particles |
| Number of particles.
integer | mod_particle_base::nparticles |
| Identity number and total number of particles.
integer | mod_particle_base::it_particles |
| Iteration number of paritcles.
integer | mod_particle_base::n_output_destroyed |
| Output count for ensembles of destroyed particles.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::ipe_neighbor |
integer | mod_particle_base::npe_neighbors |
integer | mod_particle_base::type_particle |
integer | mod_particle_base::igrid_working |
| set the current igrid for the particle integrator:
integer | mod_particle_base::ipart_working |
| set the current ipart for the particle integrator:
integer, parameter | mod_particle_base::unitparticles =15 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::particles_on_mype |
| Array of identity numbers of particles in current processor.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::particles_active_on_mype |
| Array of identity numbers of active particles in current processor.
integer | mod_particle_base::nparticles_on_mype |
| Number of particles in current processor.
integer | mod_particle_base::nparticles_active_on_mype |
| Number of active particles in current processor.
integer | mod_particle_base::integrator |
| Integrator to be used for particles.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::bp |
| Variable index for magnetic field.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::ep |
| Variable index for electric field.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::vp |
| Variable index for fluid velocity.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::jp |
| Variable index for current.
integer | mod_particle_base::rhop |
| Variable index for density.
logical | mod_particle_base::relativistic |
| Use a relativistic particle mover?
logical | mod_particle_base::write_individual |
| Whether to write individual particle output (followed particles)
logical | mod_particle_base::write_ensemble |
| Whether to write ensemble output.
logical | mod_particle_base::write_snapshot |
| Whether to write particle snapshots.
logical | mod_particle_base::losses |
character(len=name_len) | mod_particle_base::interp_type_particles = "" |
| String describing the particle interpolation type.
character(len=name_len) | mod_particle_base::physics_type_particles = "" |
| String describing the particle physics type.
character(len=name_len) | mod_particle_base::integrator_type_particles = "" |
| String describing the particle integrator type.
character(len=400) | mod_particle_base::csv_header |
| Header string used in CSV files.
character(len=60) | mod_particle_base::csv_format |
| Format string used in CSV files.
type(particle_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable | mod_particle_base::particle |
type(rng_t) | mod_particle_base::rng |
procedure(sub_fill_gridvars), pointer | mod_particle_base::particles_fill_gridvars => null() |
procedure(sub_define_additional_gridvars), pointer | mod_particle_base::particles_define_additional_gridvars => null() |
procedure(sub_fill_additional_gridvars), pointer | mod_particle_base::particles_fill_additional_gridvars => null() |
procedure(sub_integrate), pointer | mod_particle_base::particles_integrate => null() |
procedure(fun_destroy), pointer | mod_particle_base::usr_destroy_particle => null() |