The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_particle_base Module Reference

Module with shared functionality for all the particle movers. More...

Data Types

interface  fun_destroy
type  particle_ptr
type  particle_t
interface  sub_define_additional_gridvars
interface  sub_fill_additional_gridvars
interface  sub_fill_gridvars
interface  sub_integrate


subroutine particles_finish ()
 Finalize the particles module.
subroutine particles_params_read (files)
 Read this module's parameters from a file.
subroutine particle_base_init ()
 Give initial values to parameters.
subroutine init_particles_com ()
 Initialize communicators for particles.
subroutine get_maxwellian_velocity (v, velocity)
subroutine get_uniform_pos (x)
subroutine init_gridvars ()
 Initialize grid variables for particles.
subroutine finish_gridvars ()
 Deallocate grid variables for particles.
subroutine fill_gridvars_default
 This routine fills the particle grid variables with the default for mhd, i.e. only E and B.
subroutine fields_from_mhd (igrid, w_mhd, w_part)
 Determine fields from MHD variables.
subroutine particle_get_current (w, ixil, ixol, idirmin, current)
 Calculate idirmin and the idirmin:3 components of the common current array make sure that dxlevel(^D) is set correctly.
subroutine update_gridvars ()
 update grid variables for particles
subroutine handle_particles ()
 Let particles evolve in time. The routine also handles grid variables and output.
subroutine advance_particles (end_time, steps_taken)
 Routine handles the particle evolution.
pure subroutine limit_dt_endtime (t_left, dt_p)
subroutine get_vec (ix, igrid, x, tloc, vec)
subroutine get_bfield (igrid, x, tloc, b)
subroutine get_efield (igrid, x, tloc, e)
pure subroutine get_lfac (u, lfac)
 Get Lorentz factor from relativistic momentum.
pure subroutine get_lfac_from_velocity (v, lfac)
 Get Lorentz factor from velocity.
subroutine cross (a, b, c)
subroutine interpolate_var (igrid, ixil, ixol, gf, x, xloc, gfloc)
subroutine time_spent_on_particles ()
subroutine read_particles_snapshot (file_exists)
subroutine read_from_snapshot ()
subroutine write_particles_snapshot ()
subroutine append_to_snapshot (myparticle, mypayload)
subroutine init_particles_output ()
subroutine select_active_particles (end_time)
subroutine locate_particle (index, igrid_particle, ipe_particle)
subroutine find_particle_ipe (x, igrid_particle, ipe_particle)
logical function particle_in_domain (x)
 Check if particle is inside computational domain.
logical function particle_in_igrid (ipart, igrid)
 Quick check if particle is still in igrid.
subroutine set_neighbor_ipe ()
subroutine ipe_fc (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor)
subroutine ipe_srl (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor)
subroutine ipe_cf (id, igrid, ipe_is_neighbor)
subroutine write_particle_output ()
character(len=128) function make_particle_filename (tout, index, type)
subroutine output_ensemble (send_n_particles_for_output, send_particles, send_payload, typefile)
subroutine output_individual ()
subroutine output_particle (myparticle, payload, ipe, file_unit)
subroutine partcoord_to_cartesian (xp, xpcart)
 Convert position to Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine partcoord_from_cartesian (xp, xpcart)
 Convert to noncartesian coordinates.
subroutine partvec_to_cartesian (xp, up, upcart)
 Convert vector to Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine partvec_from_cartesian (xp, up, upcart)
 Convert vector from Cartesian coordinates.
subroutine fix_phi_crossing (xp, igrid)
 Fix particle position when crossing the 0,2pi boundary in noncartesian coordinates.
logical function point_in_igrid_ghostc (x, igrid, ngh)
 Quick check if particle coordinate is inside igrid (ghost cells included, except the last ngh)
subroutine comm_particles ()
subroutine comm_particles_global ()
subroutine apply_periodb (particle, igrid_particle, ipe_particle, bc_applied)
subroutine destroy_particles (destroy_n_particles_mype, particle_index_to_be_destroyed)
 clean up destroyed particles on all cores
subroutine push_particle_into_particles_on_mype (ipart)
subroutine pull_particle_from_particles_on_mype (ipart)


double precision, dimension(3) integrator_velocity_factor
 Normalization factor for velocity in the integrator.
double precision tmax_particles
 Time limit of particles.
double precision min_particle_time
 Minimum time of all particles.
double precision dtsave_particles
 Time interval to save particles.
double precision const_dt_particles
 If positive, a constant time step for the particles.
double precision particles_cfl
 Particle CFL safety factor.
double precision t_next_output
 Time to write next particle output.
double precision particles_eta
double precision particles_etah
double precision dtheta
integer downsample_particles
 Particle downsampling factor in CSV output.
integer nparticleshi
 Maximum number of particles.
integer nparticles_per_cpu_hi
 Maximum number of particles in one processor.
integer ndefpayload
 Number of default payload variables for a particle.
integer nusrpayload
 Number of user-defined payload variables for a particle.
integer npayload
 Number of total payload variables for a particle.
integer ngridvars
 Number of variables for grid field.
integer num_particles
 Number of particles.
integer nparticles
 Identity number and total number of particles.
integer it_particles
 Iteration number of paritcles.
integer n_output_destroyed
 Output count for ensembles of destroyed particles.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ipe_neighbor
integer npe_neighbors
integer type_particle
integer igrid_working
 set the current igrid for the particle integrator:
integer ipart_working
 set the current ipart for the particle integrator:
integer, parameter unitparticles =15
integer, dimension(:), allocatable particles_on_mype
 Array of identity numbers of particles in current processor.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable particles_active_on_mype
 Array of identity numbers of active particles in current processor.
integer nparticles_on_mype
 Number of particles in current processor.
integer nparticles_active_on_mype
 Number of active particles in current processor.
integer integrator
 Integrator to be used for particles.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable bp
 Variable index for magnetic field.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ep
 Variable index for electric field.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable vp
 Variable index for fluid velocity.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable jp
 Variable index for current.
integer rhop
 Variable index for density.
logical relativistic
 Use a relativistic particle mover?
logical write_individual
 Whether to write individual particle output (followed particles)
logical write_ensemble
 Whether to write ensemble output.
logical write_snapshot
 Whether to write particle snapshots.
logical losses
character(len=name_len) interp_type_particles = ""
 String describing the particle interpolation type.
character(len=name_len) physics_type_particles = ""
 String describing the particle physics type.
character(len=name_len) integrator_type_particles = ""
 String describing the particle integrator type.
character(len=400) csv_header
 Header string used in CSV files.
character(len=60) csv_format
 Format string used in CSV files.
type(particle_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable particle
procedure(sub_fill_gridvars), pointer particles_fill_gridvars => null()
procedure(sub_define_additional_gridvars), pointer particles_define_additional_gridvars => null()
procedure(sub_fill_additional_gridvars), pointer particles_fill_additional_gridvars => null()
procedure(sub_integrate), pointer particles_integrate => null()
procedure(fun_destroy), pointer usr_destroy_particle => null()

Detailed Description

Module with shared functionality for all the particle movers.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ advance_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::advance_particles ( double precision, intent(in)  end_time,
integer, intent(out)  steps_taken 

Routine handles the particle evolution.

[in]end_timeAdvance at most up to this time

Definition at line 594 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ append_to_snapshot()

subroutine mod_particle_base::append_to_snapshot ( type(particle_t), intent(in)  myparticle,
double precision, dimension(1:npayload mypayload 

Definition at line 1167 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ apply_periodb()

subroutine mod_particle_base::apply_periodb ( type(particle_t), intent(inout)  particle,
integer, intent(inout)  igrid_particle,
integer, intent(inout)  ipe_particle,
logical, intent(out)  bc_applied 

Definition at line 2461 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ comm_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::comm_particles

Definition at line 1819 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ comm_particles_global()

subroutine mod_particle_base::comm_particles_global

Definition at line 1998 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cross()

subroutine mod_particle_base::cross ( double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(in)  a,
double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(in)  b,
double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(out)  c 

Definition at line 841 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ destroy_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::destroy_particles ( integer, intent(in)  destroy_n_particles_mype,
integer, dimension(1:destroy_n_particles_mype), intent(in)  particle_index_to_be_destroyed 

clean up destroyed particles on all cores

Definition at line 2498 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fields_from_mhd()

subroutine mod_particle_base::fields_from_mhd ( integer, intent(in)  igrid,
double precision, dimension(ixg^t,nw), intent(in)  w_mhd,
double precision, dimension(ixg^t,ngridvars), intent(inout)  w_part 

Determine fields from MHD variables.

Definition at line 403 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fill_gridvars_default()

subroutine mod_particle_base::fill_gridvars_default

This routine fills the particle grid variables with the default for mhd, i.e. only E and B.

Definition at line 382 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_particle_ipe()

subroutine mod_particle_base::find_particle_ipe ( double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  x,
integer, intent(out)  igrid_particle,
integer, intent(out)  ipe_particle 

Definition at line 1279 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ finish_gridvars()

subroutine mod_particle_base::finish_gridvars

Deallocate grid variables for particles.

Definition at line 370 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ fix_phi_crossing()

subroutine mod_particle_base::fix_phi_crossing ( double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(inout)  xp,
integer, intent(in)  igrid 

Fix particle position when crossing the 0,2pi boundary in noncartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 1764 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_bfield()

subroutine mod_particle_base::get_bfield ( integer, intent(in)  igrid,
double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  x,
double precision, intent(in)  tloc,
double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(out)  b 

Definition at line 700 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_efield()

subroutine mod_particle_base::get_efield ( integer, intent(in)  igrid,
double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  x,
double precision, intent(in)  tloc,
double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(out)  e 

Definition at line 759 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_lfac()

pure subroutine mod_particle_base::get_lfac ( double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  u,
double precision, intent(out)  lfac 

Get Lorentz factor from relativistic momentum.

Definition at line 814 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ get_lfac_from_velocity()

pure subroutine mod_particle_base::get_lfac_from_velocity ( double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  v,
double precision, intent(out)  lfac 

Get Lorentz factor from velocity.

Definition at line 828 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ get_maxwellian_velocity()

subroutine mod_particle_base::get_maxwellian_velocity ( double precision, dimension(3), intent(out)  v,
double precision, intent(in)  velocity 

Definition at line 323 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ get_uniform_pos()

subroutine mod_particle_base::get_uniform_pos ( double precision, dimension(3), intent(out)  x)

Definition at line 335 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ get_vec()

subroutine mod_particle_base::get_vec ( integer, dimension(ndir), intent(in)  ix,
integer, intent(in)  igrid,
double precision, dimension(3), intent(in)  x,
double precision, intent(in)  tloc,
double precision, dimension(ndir), intent(out)  vec 
[in]ixIndices in gridvars

Definition at line 646 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::handle_particles

Let particles evolve in time. The routine also handles grid variables and output.

Definition at line 541 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init_gridvars()

subroutine mod_particle_base::init_gridvars

Initialize grid variables for particles.

Definition at line 346 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ init_particles_com()

subroutine mod_particle_base::init_particles_com

Initialize communicators for particles.

Definition at line 296 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ init_particles_output()

subroutine mod_particle_base::init_particles_output

Definition at line 1184 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interpolate_var()

subroutine mod_particle_base::interpolate_var ( integer, intent(in)  igrid,
integer, intent(in)  ixi,
integer, intent(in)  l,
integer, intent(in)  ixo,
double precision, dimension(ixi^s), intent(in)  gf,
double precision, dimension(ixi^s,1:ndim), intent(in)  x,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  xloc,
double precision, intent(out)  gfloc 

Definition at line 867 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ipe_cf()

subroutine mod_particle_base::ipe_cf ( integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  d,
integer, intent(in)  igrid,
logical, dimension(0:npe-1), intent(inout)  ipe_is_neighbor 

Definition at line 1404 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ipe_fc()

subroutine mod_particle_base::ipe_fc ( integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  d,
integer, intent(in)  igrid,
logical, dimension(0:npe-1), intent(inout)  ipe_is_neighbor 

Definition at line 1386 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ipe_srl()

subroutine mod_particle_base::ipe_srl ( integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  d,
integer, intent(in)  igrid,
logical, dimension(0:npe-1), intent(inout)  ipe_is_neighbor 

Definition at line 1395 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ limit_dt_endtime()

pure subroutine mod_particle_base::limit_dt_endtime ( double precision, intent(in)  t_left,
double precision, intent(inout)  dt_p 

Definition at line 626 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ locate_particle()

subroutine mod_particle_base::locate_particle ( integer, intent(in)  index,
integer, intent(out)  igrid_particle,
integer, intent(out)  ipe_particle 

Definition at line 1234 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ make_particle_filename()

character(len=128) function mod_particle_base::make_particle_filename ( double precision, intent(in)  tout,
integer, intent(in)  index,
character(len=*), intent(in)  type 

Definition at line 1470 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ output_ensemble()

subroutine mod_particle_base::output_ensemble ( integer, intent(in)  send_n_particles_for_output,
type(particle_t), dimension(send_n_particles_for_output), intent(in)  send_particles,
double precision, dimension(npayload,send_n_particles_for_output), intent(in)  send_payload,
character(len=*), intent(in)  typefile 

Definition at line 1490 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ output_individual()

subroutine mod_particle_base::output_individual

Definition at line 1561 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ output_particle()

subroutine mod_particle_base::output_particle ( type(particle_t), intent(in)  myparticle,
double precision, dimension(npayload), intent(in)  payload,
integer, intent(in)  ipe,
integer, intent(in)  file_unit 

Definition at line 1594 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ partcoord_from_cartesian()

subroutine mod_particle_base::partcoord_from_cartesian ( double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(out)  xp,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  xpcart 

Convert to noncartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 1662 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ partcoord_to_cartesian()

subroutine mod_particle_base::partcoord_to_cartesian ( double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  xp,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(out)  xpcart 

Convert position to Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 1632 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particle_base_init()

subroutine mod_particle_base::particle_base_init

Give initial values to parameters.

Definition at line 208 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ particle_get_current()

subroutine mod_particle_base::particle_get_current ( double precision, dimension(ixi^s,1:nw)  w,
integer  ixi,
integer  l,
integer  ixo,
integer  idirmin,
double precision, dimension(ixi^s,7-2*ndir:3)  current 

Calculate idirmin and the idirmin:3 components of the common current array make sure that dxlevel(^D) is set correctly.

Definition at line 490 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ particle_in_domain()

logical function mod_particle_base::particle_in_domain ( double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  x)

Check if particle is inside computational domain.

Definition at line 1316 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ particle_in_igrid()

logical function mod_particle_base::particle_in_igrid ( integer, intent(in)  ipart,
integer, intent(in)  igrid 

Quick check if particle is still in igrid.

Definition at line 1325 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ particles_finish()

subroutine mod_particle_base::particles_finish

Finalize the particles module.

Definition at line 168 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ particles_params_read()

subroutine mod_particle_base::particles_params_read ( character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in)  files)

Read this module's parameters from a file.

Definition at line 186 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ partvec_from_cartesian()

subroutine mod_particle_base::partvec_from_cartesian ( double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  xp,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(out)  up,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  upcart 

Convert vector from Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 1733 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ partvec_to_cartesian()

subroutine mod_particle_base::partvec_to_cartesian ( double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  xp,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(in)  up,
double precision, dimension(1:3), intent(out)  upcart 

Convert vector to Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 1703 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ point_in_igrid_ghostc()

logical function mod_particle_base::point_in_igrid_ghostc ( double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  x,
integer, intent(in)  igrid,
integer, intent(in)  ngh 

Quick check if particle coordinate is inside igrid (ghost cells included, except the last ngh)

Definition at line 1805 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pull_particle_from_particles_on_mype()

subroutine mod_particle_base::pull_particle_from_particles_on_mype ( integer, intent(in)  ipart)

Definition at line 2549 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ push_particle_into_particles_on_mype()

subroutine mod_particle_base::push_particle_into_particles_on_mype ( integer, intent(in)  ipart)

Definition at line 2539 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ read_from_snapshot()

subroutine mod_particle_base::read_from_snapshot

Definition at line 1047 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_particles_snapshot()

subroutine mod_particle_base::read_particles_snapshot ( logical, intent(out)  file_exists)

Definition at line 993 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ select_active_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::select_active_particles ( double precision, intent(in)  end_time)

Definition at line 1207 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ set_neighbor_ipe()

subroutine mod_particle_base::set_neighbor_ipe

Definition at line 1341 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ time_spent_on_particles()

subroutine mod_particle_base::time_spent_on_particles

Definition at line 961 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ update_gridvars()

subroutine mod_particle_base::update_gridvars

update grid variables for particles

Definition at line 518 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ write_particle_output()

subroutine mod_particle_base::write_particle_output

Definition at line 1419 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_particles_snapshot()

subroutine mod_particle_base::write_particles_snapshot

Definition at line 1075 of file mod_particle_base.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ bp

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::bp

Variable index for magnetic field.

Definition at line 73 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ const_dt_particles

double precision mod_particle_base::const_dt_particles

If positive, a constant time step for the particles.

Definition at line 18 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ csv_format

character(len=60) mod_particle_base::csv_format

Format string used in CSV files.

Definition at line 100 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ csv_header

character(len=400) mod_particle_base::csv_header

Header string used in CSV files.

Definition at line 98 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ downsample_particles

integer mod_particle_base::downsample_particles

Particle downsampling factor in CSV output.

Definition at line 27 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ dtheta

double precision mod_particle_base::dtheta

Definition at line 25 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ dtsave_particles

double precision mod_particle_base::dtsave_particles

Time interval to save particles.

Definition at line 16 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ep

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::ep

Variable index for electric field.

Definition at line 75 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ igrid_working

integer mod_particle_base::igrid_working

set the current igrid for the particle integrator:

Definition at line 55 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ integrator

integer mod_particle_base::integrator

Integrator to be used for particles.

Definition at line 70 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ integrator_type_particles

character(len=name_len) mod_particle_base::integrator_type_particles = ""

String describing the particle integrator type.

Definition at line 96 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ integrator_velocity_factor

double precision, dimension(3) mod_particle_base::integrator_velocity_factor

Normalization factor for velocity in the integrator.

Definition at line 10 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ interp_type_particles

character(len=name_len) mod_particle_base::interp_type_particles = ""

String describing the particle interpolation type.

Definition at line 92 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ipart_working

integer mod_particle_base::ipart_working

set the current ipart for the particle integrator:

Definition at line 57 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ipe_neighbor

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::ipe_neighbor

Definition at line 50 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ it_particles

integer mod_particle_base::it_particles

Iteration number of paritcles.

Definition at line 45 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ jp

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::jp

Variable index for current.

Definition at line 79 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ losses

logical mod_particle_base::losses

Definition at line 90 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ min_particle_time

double precision mod_particle_base::min_particle_time

Minimum time of all particles.

Definition at line 14 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ n_output_destroyed

integer mod_particle_base::n_output_destroyed

Output count for ensembles of destroyed particles.

Definition at line 47 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ndefpayload

integer mod_particle_base::ndefpayload

Number of default payload variables for a particle.

Definition at line 33 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ ngridvars

integer mod_particle_base::ngridvars

Number of variables for grid field.

Definition at line 39 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nparticles

integer mod_particle_base::nparticles

Identity number and total number of particles.

Definition at line 43 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nparticles_active_on_mype

integer mod_particle_base::nparticles_active_on_mype

Number of active particles in current processor.

Definition at line 68 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nparticles_on_mype

integer mod_particle_base::nparticles_on_mype

Number of particles in current processor.

Definition at line 66 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nparticles_per_cpu_hi

integer mod_particle_base::nparticles_per_cpu_hi

Maximum number of particles in one processor.

Definition at line 31 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nparticleshi

integer mod_particle_base::nparticleshi

Maximum number of particles.

Definition at line 29 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ npayload

integer mod_particle_base::npayload

Number of total payload variables for a particle.

Definition at line 37 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ npe_neighbors

integer mod_particle_base::npe_neighbors

Definition at line 51 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ num_particles

integer mod_particle_base::num_particles

Number of particles.

Definition at line 41 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ nusrpayload

integer mod_particle_base::nusrpayload

Number of user-defined payload variables for a particle.

Definition at line 35 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particle

type(particle_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::particle

Definition at line 129 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_active_on_mype

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::particles_active_on_mype

Array of identity numbers of active particles in current processor.

Definition at line 64 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_cfl

double precision mod_particle_base::particles_cfl

Particle CFL safety factor.

Definition at line 20 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_define_additional_gridvars

procedure(sub_define_additional_gridvars), pointer mod_particle_base::particles_define_additional_gridvars => null()

Definition at line 136 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_eta

double precision mod_particle_base::particles_eta


Definition at line 24 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_etah

double precision mod_particle_base::particles_etah

Definition at line 24 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_fill_additional_gridvars

procedure(sub_fill_additional_gridvars), pointer mod_particle_base::particles_fill_additional_gridvars => null()

Definition at line 137 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_fill_gridvars

procedure(sub_fill_gridvars), pointer mod_particle_base::particles_fill_gridvars => null()

Definition at line 135 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_integrate

procedure(sub_integrate), pointer mod_particle_base::particles_integrate => null()

Definition at line 138 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ particles_on_mype

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::particles_on_mype

Array of identity numbers of particles in current processor.

Definition at line 62 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ physics_type_particles

character(len=name_len) mod_particle_base::physics_type_particles = ""

String describing the particle physics type.

Definition at line 94 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ relativistic

logical mod_particle_base::relativistic

Use a relativistic particle mover?

Definition at line 83 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ rhop

integer mod_particle_base::rhop

Variable index for density.

Definition at line 81 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ rng

type(rng_t) mod_particle_base::rng

Definition at line 132 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ t_next_output

double precision mod_particle_base::t_next_output

Time to write next particle output.

Definition at line 22 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ tmax_particles

double precision mod_particle_base::tmax_particles

Time limit of particles.

Definition at line 12 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ type_particle

integer mod_particle_base::type_particle

Definition at line 53 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ unitparticles

integer, parameter mod_particle_base::unitparticles =15

Definition at line 59 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ usr_destroy_particle

procedure(fun_destroy), pointer mod_particle_base::usr_destroy_particle => null()

Definition at line 139 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ vp

integer, dimension(:), allocatable mod_particle_base::vp

Variable index for fluid velocity.

Definition at line 77 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ write_ensemble

logical mod_particle_base::write_ensemble

Whether to write ensemble output.

Definition at line 87 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ write_individual

logical mod_particle_base::write_individual

Whether to write individual particle output (followed particles)

Definition at line 85 of file mod_particle_base.t.

◆ write_snapshot

logical mod_particle_base::write_snapshot

Whether to write particle snapshots.

Definition at line 89 of file mod_particle_base.t.