The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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1!> Subroutines for TVD-MUSCL schemes
2module mod_tvd
4 implicit none
5 private
7 public :: tvdlimit
8 public :: tvdlimit2
9 public :: entropyfix
13 subroutine tvdlimit(method,qdt,ixI^L,ixO^L,idim^LIM,s,qt,snew,fC,dxs,x)
16 integer, intent(in) :: method
17 double precision, intent(in) :: qdt, qt, dxs(ndim)
18 integer, intent(in) :: ixi^l, ixo^l, idim^lim
19 double precision, dimension(ixI^S,nw) :: w, wnew
20 type(state) :: s, snew
21 double precision, intent(in) :: x(ixi^s,1:ndim)
22 double precision :: fc(ixi^s,1:nwflux,1:ndim)
24 integer :: idims, ixic^l, jxic^l
25 double precision, dimension(ixI^S,nw) :: wr, wl
27 associate(w=>s%w,wnew=>snew%w)
28 do idims= idim^lim
29 ixicmax^d=ixomax^d+kr(idims,^d); ixicmin^d=ixomin^d-2*kr(idims,^d);
30 wl(ixic^s,1:nw)=w(ixic^s,1:nw)
31 jxic^l=ixic^l+kr(idims,^d);
32 wr(ixic^s,1:nw)=w(jxic^s,1:nw)
33 call tvdlimit2(method,qdt,ixi^l,ixic^l,ixo^l,idims,wl,wr,wnew,x,fc,dxs)
34 end do
35 end associate
36 end subroutine tvdlimit
38 subroutine tvdlimit2(method,qdt,ixI^L,ixIC^L,ixO^L,idims,wL,wR,wnew,x,fC,dxs)
40 ! Limit the flow variables in wnew according to typetvd.
41 ! wroeC is based on wL and wR.
42 ! If method=fs_tvd an extra adtdx**2*jumpC is added to phiC for 2nd order
43 ! accuracy in time.
48 integer, intent(in) :: method
49 double precision, intent(in) :: qdt, dxs(ndim)
50 integer, intent(in) :: ixi^l, ixic^l, ixo^l, idims
51 double precision, dimension(ixG^T,nw) :: wl, wr
52 double precision, intent(in) :: x(ixi^s,1:ndim)
53 double precision :: wnew(ixi^s,1:nw)
54 double precision :: fc(ixi^s,1:nwflux,1:ndim)
56 double precision:: workroe(ixg^t,1:nworkroe)
57 double precision, dimension(ixG^T,nw) :: wroec
58 double precision, dimension(ixG^T) :: phic, rphic, jumpc, adtdxc, smallac
59 double precision :: dxinv(1:ndim)
60 integer :: hxo^l, ixc^l, jxc^l, jxic^l, iw, il
61 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 hxo^l=ixo^l-kr(idims,^d);
64 ixcmax^d=ixomax^d; ixcmin^d=hxomin^d;
66 jxc^l=ixc^l+kr(idims,^d);
67 jxic^l=ixic^l+kr(idims,^d);
69 call phys_average(wl,wr,x,ixic^l,idims,wroec,workroe)
71 dxinv=qdt/dxs
73 ! A loop on characteristic variables to calculate the dissipative flux phiC.
74 do il=1,nwflux
75 !Calculate the jump in the il-th characteristic variable: L(wroe)*dw
76 call phys_get_eigenjump(wl,wr,wroec,x,ixic^l,il,idims,smallac,adtdxc,jumpc,workroe)
78 ! Normalize the eigenvalue "a" (and its limit "smalla" if needed):
79 if (slab_uniform) then
80 adtdxc(ixic^s)=adtdxc(ixic^s)*dxinv(idims)
81 if (typeentropy(il)=='harten' .or. typeentropy(il)=='powell')&
82 smallac(ixic^s)=smallac(ixic^s)*dxinv(idims)
83 else
84 adtdxc(ixic^s)=adtdxc(ixic^s)*qdt*block%surfaceC(ixic^s,idims)*&
85 2.0d0/(block%dvolume(ixic^s)+block%dvolume(jxic^s))
86 if (typeentropy(il)=='harten' .or. typeentropy(il)=='powell')&
87 smallac(ixic^s)=smallac(ixic^s)*qdt*block%surfaceC(ixic^s,idims)*&
88 2.0d0/(block%dvolume(ixic^s)+block%dvolume(jxic^s))
89 endif
91 ! Calculate the flux limiter function phi
92 call getphi(method,jumpc,adtdxc,smallac,ixi^l,ixic^l,ixc^l,il,idims,phic)
94 !Add R(iw,il)*phiC(il) to each variable iw in wnew
95 do iw=1,nwflux
96 call phys_rtimes(phic,wroec,ixc^l,iw,il,idims,rphic,workroe)
98 if (slab_uniform) then
99 rphic(ixc^s)=rphic(ixc^s)*half
100 fc(ixc^s,iw,idims)=fc(ixc^s,iw,idims)+rphic(ixc^s)
101 wnew(ixo^s,iw)=wnew(ixo^s,iw)+rphic(ixo^s)-rphic(hxo^s)
102 else
103 rphic(ixc^s)=rphic(ixc^s)*quarter* &
104 (block%dvolume(ixc^s)+block%dvolume(jxc^s))
105 fc(ixc^s,iw,idims)=fc(ixc^s,iw,idims)+rphic(ixc^s)
106 wnew(ixo^s,iw)=wnew(ixo^s,iw)+(rphic(ixo^s)-rphic(hxo^s)) &
107 /block%dvolume(ixo^s)
108 endif
109 end do !iw
110 end do !il
112 end subroutine tvdlimit2
114 subroutine getphi(method,jumpC,adtdxC,smallaC,ixI^L,ixIC^L,ixC^L,il,idims,phiC)
116 ! Calculate the dissipative flux from jumpC=L*dw and adtdx=eigenvalue*dt/dx.
117 ! Add Lax-Wendroff type correction if method=fs_tvd.
118 ! Limit according to method and typetvd.
119 use mod_limiter
121 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
123 integer, intent(in) :: method
124 integer, intent(in) :: ixi^l, ixic^l, ixc^l, il, idims
125 double precision, dimension(ixG^T) :: jumpc, adtdxc, smallac, phic
127 double precision, dimension(ixG^T) :: ljumpc, tmp
128 integer :: jxc^l, ix^l, hx^l, typelimiter
129 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 typelimiter=type_limiter(block%level)
132 if(method==fs_tvdmu)then
133 ! In the MUSCL scheme phi=|a|*jump, apply entropy fix to it
134 if(typeentropy(il)=='nul'.or.typeentropy(il)=='ratio')then
135 phic(ixc^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixc^s))*jumpc(ixc^s)
136 else
137 where(abs(adtdxc(ixc^s))>=smallac(ixc^s))
138 phic(ixc^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixc^s))*jumpc(ixc^s)
139 elsewhere
140 phic(ixc^s)=half*(smallac(ixc^s)+adtdxc(ixc^s)**2/smallac(ixc^s))&
141 *jumpc(ixc^s)
142 endwhere
143 endif
144 ! That's all for the MUSCL scheme
145 return
146 endif
148 if(method==fs_tvd)then
149 !Entropy fix to |a|-a**2
150 if(typeentropy(il)=='nul'.or.typeentropy(il)=='ratio')then
151 phic(ixic^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))-adtdxc(ixic^s)**2
152 else
153 where(abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))>=smallac(ixic^s))
154 phic(ixic^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))-adtdxc(ixic^s)**2
155 elsewhere
156 phic(ixic^s)=half*smallac(ixic^s)+&
157 (half/smallac(ixic^s)-one)*adtdxc(ixic^s)**2
158 endwhere
159 endif
160 else
161 !Entropy fix to |a|
162 if(typeentropy(il)=='nul'.or.typeentropy(il)=='ratio')then
163 phic(ixic^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))
164 else
165 where(abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))>=smallac(ixic^s))
166 phic(ixic^s)=abs(adtdxc(ixic^s))
167 elsewhere
168 phic(ixic^s)=half*smallac(ixic^s)+&
169 half/smallac(ixic^s)*adtdxc(ixic^s)**2
170 endwhere
171 endif
172 endif
174 jxc^l=ixc^l+kr(idims,^d);
175 hxmin^d=ixicmin^d; hxmax^d=ixicmax^d-kr(idims,^d);
176 ix^l=hx^l+kr(idims,^d);
178 if (.not. limiter_symmetric(typelimiter)) then
179 call mpistop("TVD only supports symmetric limiters")
180 end if
182 select case(typetvd)
183 case('roe')
184 call dwlimiter2(jumpc,ixi^l,ixic^l,idims,typelimiter,ldw=ljumpc)
185 where(adtdxc(ixc^s)<=0)
186 phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)*(jumpc(ixc^s)-ljumpc(jxc^s))
187 elsewhere
188 phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)*(jumpc(ixc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s))
189 end where
190 !extra (a*lambda)**2*delta
191 if(method==fs_tvd)phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)+adtdxc(ixc^s)**2*jumpc(ixc^s)
192 case('sweby')
193 !Sweby eqs.4.11-4.15, but no 0.5 ?!
194 phic(ixic^s)=phic(ixic^s)*jumpc(ixic^s)
195 call dwlimiter2(phic,ixi^l,ixic^l,idims,typelimiter,ldw=ljumpc)
196 where(adtdxc(ixc^s)<=0)
197 phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)-ljumpc(jxc^s)
198 elsewhere
199 phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s)
200 end where
201 !extra (a*lambda)**2*delta
202 if(method==fs_tvd)phic(ixc^s)=phic(ixc^s)+adtdxc(ixc^s)**2*jumpc(ixc^s)
203 case('yee')
204 !eq.3.51 with correction
205 call dwlimiter2(jumpc,ixi^l,ixic^l,idims,typelimiter,ldw=ljumpc)
207 !Use phiC as 0.5*(|nu|-nu**2) eq.3.45e for tvd otherwise 0.5*|nu|
208 phic(ixc^s)=half*phic(ixc^s)
209 !gamma*lambda eq.3.51d, use tmp to store agdtdxC
210 where(abs(jumpc(ixc^s))>smalldouble)
211 tmp(ixc^s)=adtdxc(ixc^s)+phic(ixc^s)*&
212 (ljumpc(jxc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s))/jumpc(ixc^s)
213 elsewhere
214 tmp(ixc^s)=adtdxc(ixc^s)
215 end where
217 !eq.3.51a
218 if(typeentropy(il)=='nul'.or.typeentropy(il)=='ratio')then
219 phic(ixc^s)=-phic(ixc^s)*(ljumpc(jxc^s)+ljumpc(ixc^s))+&
220 abs(tmp(ixc^s))*jumpc(ixc^s)
221 else
222 where(abs(tmp(ixc^s))>=smallac(ixc^s))
223 phic(ixc^s)=-phic(ixc^s)*(ljumpc(jxc^s)+ljumpc(ixc^s))+&
224 abs(tmp(ixc^s))*jumpc(ixc^s)
225 elsewhere
226 phic(ixc^s)=-phic(ixc^s)*(ljumpc(jxc^s)+ljumpc(ixc^s))+&
227 (half*smallac(ixc^s)+half/smallac(ixc^s)*&
228 tmp(ixc^s)**2)*jumpc(ixc^s)
229 endwhere
230 endif
231 case('harten')
232 !See Ryu, section 2.3
233 !Use phiC as 0.5*(|nu|-nu**2)*jumpC eq.3.45b,e
234 phic(ixic^s)=half*phic(ixic^s)*jumpc(ixic^s)
235 call dwlimiter2(phic,ixi^l,ixic^l,idims,typelimiter,ldw=ljumpc)
237 !gamma*lambda eq.3.45d, use tmp as agdtdxC
238 where(abs(jumpc(ixc^s))>smalldouble)
239 tmp(ixc^s)=adtdxc(ixc^s)+&
240 (ljumpc(jxc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s))/jumpc(ixc^s)
241 elsewhere
242 tmp(ixc^s)=adtdxc(ixc^s)
243 end where
244 !eq.3.45a with correction
245 if(typeentropy(il)=='nul'.or.typeentropy(il)=='ratio')then
246 phic(ixc^s)=-ljumpc(jxc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s)+jumpc(ixc^s)*&
247 abs(tmp(ixc^s))
248 else
249 where(abs(tmp(ixc^s))>=smallac(ixc^s))
250 phic(ixc^s)=-ljumpc(jxc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s)+jumpc(ixc^s)*&
251 abs(tmp(ixc^s))
252 elsewhere
253 phic(ixc^s)=-ljumpc(jxc^s)-ljumpc(ixc^s)+jumpc(ixc^s)*&
254 (half*smallac(ixc^s)+half/smallac(ixc^s)*tmp(ixc^s)**2)
255 endwhere
256 endif
257 !extra -(a*lambda)**2*delta
258 case default
259 call mpistop("Error in TVDLimit: Unknown TVD type")
260 end select
262 end subroutine getphi
264 subroutine entropyfix(ix^L,il,aL,aR,a,smalla)
266 ! Apply entropyfix based on typeentropy(il),aL,aR, and a
267 ! Calculate "smalla" (Harten,Powell) or modify "a" (ratio)
270 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
272 integer, intent(in) :: ix^l, il
273 double precision, dimension(ixG^T) :: al, ar, a, smalla
274 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 select case(typeentropy(il))
277 case('harten')
278 smalla(ix^s)=max(zero,a(ix^s)-al(ix^s),ar(ix^s)-a(ix^s))
279 case('powell')
280 smalla(ix^s)=max(zero,two*(ar(ix^s)-al(ix^s)))
281 !!case('ratio')
282 !! where(aL(ix^S)<zero .and. aR(ix^S)>zero)&
283 !! a(ix^S)=a(ix^S)-2*aR(ix^S)*aL(ix^S)/(aR(ix^S)-aL(ix^S))
284 case('yee')
285 ! This has been done in geteigenjump already
286 case('nul')
287 ! No entropyfix is applied
288 case default
289 call mpistop("No such type of entropy fix")
290 end select
292 end subroutine entropyfix
294end module mod_tvd
subroutine, public mpistop(message)
Exit MPI-AMRVAC with an error message.
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
character(len=std_len), dimension(:), allocatable typeentropy
Which type of entropy fix to use with Riemann-type solvers.
type(state), pointer block
Block pointer for using one block and its previous state.
integer, dimension(3, 3) kr
Kronecker delta tensor.
integer, parameter ndim
Number of spatial dimensions for grid variables.
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, parameter d
integer, dimension(:), allocatable type_limiter
Type of slope limiter used for reconstructing variables on cell edges.
character(len=std_len) typetvd
Which type of TVD method to use.
logical slab_uniform
uniform Cartesian geometry or not (stretched Cartesian)
Module with slope/flux limiters.
Definition mod_limiter.t:2
pure logical function limiter_symmetric(typelim)
double precision d
Definition mod_limiter.t:14
subroutine dwlimiter2(dwc, ixil, ixcl, idims, typelim, ldw, rdw, a2max)
Limit the centered dwC differences within ixC for iw in direction idim. The limiter is chosen accordi...
procedure(sub_rtimes), pointer phys_rtimes
procedure(sub_get_eigenjump), pointer phys_get_eigenjump
procedure(sub_average), pointer phys_average
Subroutines for TVD-MUSCL schemes.
Definition mod_tvd.t:2
subroutine, public tvdlimit(method, qdt, ixil, ixol, idimlim, s, qt, snew, fc, dxs, x)
Definition mod_tvd.t:14
subroutine, public tvdlimit2(method, qdt, ixil, ixicl, ixol, idims, wl, wr, wnew, x, fc, dxs)
Definition mod_tvd.t:39
subroutine, public entropyfix(ixl, il, al, ar, a, smalla)
Definition mod_tvd.t:265