The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_pfss Module Reference

module mod_pfss.t – potential field source surface model PURPOSE : to extrapolate global potential magnetic field of the sun from synoptic magnetograms 2013.11.04 Developed by S. Moschou and C. Xia 2014.04.01 Allow to change source surface (C. Xia) PRECONDITIONS: More...


subroutine, public harm_coef (mapname)
subroutine cfweights (ym, miu, cfwm)
subroutine coef (b_r0, xm, ym, miu, mius, cfwm)
subroutine, public pfss (ixIL, ixOL, Bpf, x)
subroutine inv_sph_transform (Bt, phi, miu, mius, nphi, ntheta, Bpf, qlmax)
subroutine fft (a, b, ntot, n, nspan, isn)


double precision, public r_s =2.5d0
double precision, public r_0 =1.d0
integer, public lmax =0
logical, public trunc =.false.

Detailed Description

module mod_pfss.t – potential field source surface model PURPOSE : to extrapolate global potential magnetic field of the sun from synoptic magnetograms 2013.11.04 Developed by S. Moschou and C. Xia 2014.04.01 Allow to change source surface (C. Xia) PRECONDITIONS:

  1. 3D spherical coordinates
  2. A synoptic magnetogram in a binary file contains nphi, ntheta, theta(ntheta), phi(nphi), B_r(nphi,ntheta) succesively.
  3. nphi, ntheta are long integers and other arrays are double precision. theta contains decreasing radians with increasing indice (Pi to 0) phi contains increasing radians with increasing indice (0 to 2*Pi) USAGE: example for a magnetogram with name 'mdicr2020.dat':

    subroutine initglobaldata_usr ... R_0=1.d0 ! dimensionless Solar radius (default 1.0) R_s=2.5d0 ! dimensionless radius of source surface (default 2.5) lmax=120 ! use a fixed value instead of the value determined by the resolution of input magnetogram trunc=.true. ! use less spherical harmonics at larger distances call harm_coef('mdicr2020.dat') end subroutine initglobaldata_usr

    subroutine initonegrid_usr(ixI^L,ixO^L,w,x) ... double precision :: bpf(ixI^S,1:ndir) ... call pfss(ixI^L,ixO^L,bpf,x) w(ix^S,mag(:))=bpf(ix^S,:)

    end subroutine initonegrid_usr

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cfweights()

subroutine mod_pfss::cfweights ( integer, intent(in)  ym,
double precision, dimension(ym), intent(in)  miu,
double precision, dimension(ym), intent(out)  cfwm 

Definition at line 167 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ coef()

subroutine mod_pfss::coef ( double precision, dimension(xm,ym), intent(in)  b_r0,
integer, intent(in)  xm,
integer, intent(in)  ym,
double precision, dimension(ym), intent(in)  miu,
double precision, dimension(ym), intent(in)  mius,
double precision, dimension(ym), intent(in)  cfwm 

Definition at line 196 of file mod_pfss.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fft()

subroutine mod_pfss::fft ( double precision, dimension(:)  a,
double precision, dimension(:)  b,
integer  ntot,
integer  n,
integer  nspan,
integer  isn 

Definition at line 456 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ harm_coef()

subroutine, public mod_pfss::harm_coef ( character(len=*)  mapname)

Definition at line 52 of file mod_pfss.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inv_sph_transform()

subroutine mod_pfss::inv_sph_transform ( double complex, dimension(0:lmax,0:lmax), intent(in)  Bt,
double precision, dimension(nphi), intent(in)  phi,
double precision, dimension(ntheta), intent(in)  miu,
double precision, dimension(ntheta), intent(in)  mius,
integer, intent(in)  nphi,
integer, intent(in)  ntheta,
double precision, dimension(nphi,ntheta), intent(out)  Bpf,
integer, intent(in)  qlmax 

Definition at line 361 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ pfss()

subroutine, public mod_pfss::pfss ( integer, intent(in)  ixI,
integer, intent(in)  L,
integer, intent(in)  ixO,
double precision, dimension(ixi^s,1:ndir), intent(out)  Bpf,
double precision, dimension(ixi^s,1:ndim), intent(in)  x 

Definition at line 267 of file mod_pfss.t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ lmax

integer, public mod_pfss::lmax =0

Definition at line 42 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ r_0

double precision, public mod_pfss::r_0 =1.d0

Definition at line 40 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ r_s

double precision, public mod_pfss::r_s =2.5d0

Definition at line 40 of file mod_pfss.t.

◆ trunc

logical, public mod_pfss::trunc =.false.

Definition at line 43 of file mod_pfss.t.