17 integer :: iigrid, igrid, ncycle, ncycle2, ifile, idim
18 double precision :: dtnew, qdtnew, dtmin_mype, factor,
d, dxmin^
19 double precision :: dtmax, dxmin, cmax_mype
20 double precision :: a2max_mype(
ndim), cs2max_mype, tco_mype, tco_global, tmax_mype, t_peak
21 double precision :: trac_alfa, trac_dmax, trac_tau, t_bott
22 integer,
parameter :: niter_print = 2000
25 dtmin_mype = bigdouble
32 do iigrid=1,igridstail_active; igrid=igrids_active(iigrid);
38 ps(igrid)%dt(
41 cmax_mype,a2max_mype,cs2max_mype)
42 dtnew=min(dtnew,qdtnew)
45 dtnew=min(dtnew,qdtnew)
49 dtnew = min(dtnew,qdtnew)
51 dtmin_mype = min(dtmin_mype,dtnew)
58 if (dtmin_mype<
59 write(
"Error: Time step too small!", dtmin_mype
67 dtmin_mype=dtmin_mype*factor
83 call mpi_allreduce(dtmin_mype,
dt,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min, &
94 if(dtmax > smalldouble)
114 if(
mype==0 .and. mod(
it-1, niter_print) .eq. 0)
115 write(*,*)
'Max number of STS cycles exceeded, reducing dt to',
120 if(
mype==0 .and. mod(
it-1, niter_print) .eq. 0)
121 write(*,*)
'Max number of STS cycles exceeded, reducing dt to',
140 call mpi_allreduce(tmax_mype,t_peak,1,mpi_double_precision,&
147 trac_alfa=trac_dmax**(
150 call mpi_allreduce(tco_mype,tco_global,1,mpi_double_precision,&
163 subroutine getdt_courant(w,ixI^L,ixO^L,dtnew,dx^D,x,cmax_mype,a2max_mype,cs2max_mype)
168 integer,
intent(in) :: ixI^L, ixO^L
169 double precision,
intent(in) :: x(ixI^S,1:ndim)
170 double precision,
intent(in) :: dx^D
171 double precision,
intent(inout) :: w(ixI^S,1:nw), dtnew, cmax_mype, a2max_mype(ndim),cs2max_mype
173 double precision :: courantmax, dxinv(1:ndim), courantmaxtot, courantmaxtots
174 double precision :: cmax(ixI^S), cmaxtot(ixI^S), wprim(ixI^S,1:nw)
175 double precision :: a2max(ndim), cs2max, tco_local, Tmax_local
199 a2max_mype(idims) = max(a2max_mype(idims),a2max(idims))
204 cs2max_mype = max(cs2max_mype,cs2max)
209 {^ifoned tco_mype=max(tco_mype,tco_local) }
210 tmax_mype=max(tmax_mype,tmax_local)
219 ^d&dxinv(^d)=one/dx^d;
224 cmaxtot(hxo^s)=cmax(hxo^s)*dxinv(idims)
226 cmaxtot(hxo^s)=cmaxtot(hxo^s)+cmax(hxo^s)*dxinv(idims)
234 cmaxtot(hxo^s)=cmax(hxo^s)/
236 cmaxtot(hxo^s)=cmaxtot(hxo^s)+cmax(hxo^s)/
241 courantmaxtots=maxval(cmaxtot(ixo^s))
242 if(courantmaxtots>smalldouble) dtnew=min(dtnew,
250 call mpistop(
"Type courant summax incompatible with local_timestep")
255 ^d&dxinv(^d)=one/dx^d;
259 courantmax=max(courantmax,maxval(cmax(ixo^s)*dxinv(idims)))
260 courantmaxtot=courantmaxtot+courantmax
266 courantmax=max(courantmax,maxval(cmax(ixo^s)/
267 courantmaxtot=courantmaxtot+courantmax
271 if (courantmaxtot>smalldouble) dtnew=min(dtnew,
274 call mpistop(
"Type courant not implemented for local_timestep, use maxsum")
278 ^d&dxinv(^d)=one/dx^d;
282 courantmax=max(courantmax,maxval(cmax(ixo^s)*dxinv(idims)))
288 courantmax=max(courantmax,maxval(cmax(ixo^s)/
292 if (courantmax>smalldouble) dtnew=min(dtnew,
subroutine getdt_courant(w, ixil, ixol, dtnew, dxd, x, cmax_mype, a2max_mype, cs2max_mype)
compute CFL limited dt (for variable time stepping)
subroutine, public mpistop(message)
Exit MPI-AMRVAC with an error message.
subroutine, public setdt()
setdt - set dt for all levels between levmin and levmax. dtpar>0 --> use fixed dtpar for all level dt...
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
type(state), pointer block
Block pointer for using one block and its previous state.
double precision unit_time
Physical scaling factor for time.
double precision global_time
The global simulation time.
double precision time_max
End time for the simulation.
integer it
Number of time steps taken.
integer it_init
initial iteration count
integer, parameter type_maxsum
integer switchers for type courant
integer, parameter ndim
Number of spatial dimensions for grid variables.
double precision cmax_global
global fastest wave speed needed in fd scheme and glm method
integer icomm
The MPI communicator.
integer mype
The rank of the current MPI task.
double precision dtpar
If dtpar is positive, it sets the timestep dt, otherwise courantpar is used to limit the time step ba...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, parameter d
logical local_timestep
each cell has its own timestep or not
double precision dt
global time step
logical need_global_a2max
global value for schmid scheme
double precision courantpar
The Courant (CFL) number used for the simulation.
integer ixm
the mesh range of a physical block without ghost cells
integer ierrmpi
A global MPI error return code.
integer slowsteps
If > 1, then in the first slowsteps-1 time steps dt is reduced by a factor .
integer type_courant
How to compute the CFL-limited time step.
integer, parameter unitterm
Unit for standard output.
double precision, dimension(nfile) dtsave
Repeatedly save output of type N when dtsave(N) simulation time has passed.
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rnode
Corner coordinates.
logical need_global_cs2max
global value for csound speed
double precision unit_temperature
Physical scaling factor for temperature.
logical final_dt_reduction
If true, allow final dt reduction for matching time_max on output.
integer, parameter type_summax
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable dx
logical phys_trac
Use TRAC for MHD or 1D HD.
double precision, dimension(nsavehi, nfile) tsave
Save output of type N on times tsave(:, N)
logical need_global_cmax
need global maximal wave speed
logical crash
Save a snapshot before crash a run met unphysical values.
double precision, dimension(^nd) dxlevel
store unstretched cell size of current level
double precision cs2max_global
global largest cs2 for hyperbolic thermal conduction
logical slab_uniform
uniform Cartesian geometry or not (stretched Cartesian)
double precision, dimension(^nd) a2max_global
global largest a2 for schmid scheme
double precision dtmin
Stop the simulation when the time step becomes smaller than this value.
integer, parameter nfile
Number of output methods.
logical final_dt_exit
Force timeloop exit when final dt < dtmin.
integer, parameter type_minimum
integer, dimension(nfile) isavet
This module defines the procedures of a physics module. It contains function pointers for the various...
procedure(sub_get_a2max), pointer phys_get_a2max
procedure(sub_convert), pointer phys_to_primitive
procedure(sub_get_dt), pointer phys_get_dt
procedure(sub_get_tcutoff), pointer phys_get_tcutoff
procedure(sub_get_cs2max), pointer phys_get_cs2max
procedure(sub_get_auxiliary), pointer phys_get_auxiliary
procedure(sub_trac_after_setdt), pointer phys_trac_after_setdt
procedure(sub_get_cmax), pointer phys_get_cmax
Generic supertimestepping method 1) in amrvac.par in sts_list set the following parameters which have...
integer, public sourcetype_sts
pure logical function, public is_sts_initialized()
logical function, public set_dt_sts_ncycles(my_dt)
This sets the explicit dt and calculates the number of cycles for each of the terms implemented with ...
integer, parameter, public sourcetype_sts_split
Module with all the methods that users can customize in AMRVAC.
procedure(get_dt), pointer usr_get_dt