The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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3 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
4 double precision, allocatable :: va1(:),ta1(:),tb1(:),va2(:),ta2(:),tb2(:)
5 !> This module is for imposing randomized heating at x-axis for 2.5D simulation, for details please see Zhou et al. (2020, Nature Astronomy,4,994) and
6 !> Li et al. (2022,ApJ,926,216).
7 !> Users can define the parameters "trelax,vtim,vlim,periods,variation,num,mnx" in the mod_usr.t file.
8 !> Example for using this module please see tests/mhd/coronal_rain_2.5D
9 !trelax is the relaxization time for the simulation, if the relaxization is done seperately, then trelax=0.d0
10 !periods=300,variation=75 !The time durations of each heating episode is typically 300s +/- 75s
11 !vtim = 100 !100 heating episodes, e.g., 500 min. Enough for the simulation
12 !num = 1000 !1000 waves for each episode
13 !si=5./6. !spectral index
14 !mnx could be chosen as twice of the spatial resolution in the simulation
15 !vlim could be chosen as the same with mnx
19 subroutine getlqgrid(lQgrid,ixI^L,ixO^L,qt,trelax,x,mode,vtim,vlim)
21 integer, intent(in) :: ixI^L, ixO^L, mode, vtim, vlim
22 double precision, intent(in) :: qt, trelax, x(ixI^S,1:ndim)
23 double precision, intent(inout) :: lQgrid(ixI^S)
25 double precision :: tl1,tl2,tl3,tl4,tl5,tl6,t2,stt
26 double precision :: tr1,tr2,tr3,tr4,tr5,tr6
27 double precision :: va0
28 integer :: Bp,Bt1,Bt2,ix^D,i
30 t2 = qt - trelax
31 va0=0.4d0
32 stt = (xprobmax1- xprobmin1) / (dble(vlim) - 1.d0)
34 select case(mode)
35 ! mode 1 for gaussian, mode 2 for sinc
36 case(1)
37 if(qt .lt. trelax) then
38 lqgrid(ixo^s)=0.d0
39 else
40 do i = 4, vtim
41 if(qt .lt. trelax + tb1(i)) then
42 tl1 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i-3))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i-3))**2)
43 tl2 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i-2))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i-2))**2)
44 tl3 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i-1))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i-1))**2)
45 tl4 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i))**2)
46 tl5 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i+1))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i+1))**2)
47 tl6 = dexp(-(t2 - tb1(i+2))**2/(0.5d0*ta1(i+2))**2)
48 {do ix^db = ixomin^db,ixomax^db\}
49 bp = floor((x(ix^d,1) - xprobmin1) / stt) + 1
50 if (bp .lt. 1) bp=1
51 if(x(ix^d,1) .lt. 0.d0) then
52 lqgrid(ix^d) = tl1 * (va1(bp + (i-4)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
53 + tl2 * (va1(bp + (i-3)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
54 + tl3 * (va1(bp + (i-2)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
55 + tl4 * (va1(bp + (i-1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
56 + tl5 * (va1(bp + (i)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
57 + tl6 * (va1(bp + (i+1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0)
58 endif
59 {enddo\}
60 exit
61 endif
62 enddo
64 do i = 4, vtim
65 if(qt .lt. trelax + tb2(i)) then
66 tr1 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i-3))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i-3))**2)
67 tr2 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i-2))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i-2))**2)
68 tr3 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i-1))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i-1))**2)
69 tr4 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i))**2)
70 tr5 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i+1))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i+1))**2)
71 tr6 = dexp(-(t2 - tb2(i+2))**2/(0.5d0*ta2(i+2))**2)
72 {do ix^db = ixomin^db,ixomax^db\}
73 bp = floor((x(ix^d,1) - xprobmin1) / stt) + 1
74 if (bp .lt. 1) bp=1
75 if(x(ix^d,1) .ge. 0.d0) then
76 lqgrid(ix^d) = tr1 * (va2(bp + (i-4)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
77 + tr2 * (va2(bp + (i-3)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
78 + tr3 * (va2(bp + (i-2)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
79 + tr4 * (va2(bp + (i-1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
80 + tr5 * (va2(bp + (i)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) &
81 + tr6 * (va2(bp + (i+1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0)
82 endif
83 {enddo\}
84 exit
85 endif
86 enddo
87 endif
88 case(2)
89 if(qt .lt. trelax) then
90 tr1 = 0.d0
91 tr3 = 0.d0
92 bt1 = 0
93 else if(qt .lt. trelax + tb1(1)) then
94 tr1 = dsin(t2 * dpi / tb1(2))
95 tr3 = 0.d0
96 bt1 = 0
97 else if(qt .lt. trelax + tb1(2)) then
98 tr1 = dsin(t2 * dpi / tb1(2))
99 tr3 = dsin((t2 - tb1(1)) * dpi / (tb1(3) - tb1(1)))
100 bt1 = 0
101 else
102 do i = 2, vtim
103 if(t2 .lt. tb1(i)) then
104 bt1 = i - 1
105 exit
106 endif
107 enddo
108 tr1 = dsin((t2 - tb1(bt1-1)) * dpi / (tb1(bt1+1) - tb1(bt1-1)))
109 tr3 = dsin((t2 - tb1(bt1)) * dpi / (tb1(bt1+2) - tb1(bt1)))
110 endif
111 if(qt .lt. trelax) then
112 tr2 = 0.d0
113 tr4 = 0.d0
114 bt2 = 0
115 else if(qt .lt. trelax + tb2(1)) then
116 tr2 = dsin(t2 * dpi / tb2(2))
117 tr4 = 0.d0
118 bt2 = 0
119 else if(qt .lt. trelax + tb2(2)) then
120 tr1 = dsin(t2 * dpi / tb2(2))
121 tr3 = dsin((t2 - tb2(1)) * dpi / (tb2(3) - tb2(1)))
122 bt2 = 0
123 else
124 do i = 2, vtim
125 if(t2 .lt. tb2(i)) then
126 bt2 = i - 1
127 exit
128 endif
129 enddo
130 tr2 = dsin((t2 - tb2(bt2-1)) * dpi / (tb2(bt2+1) - tb2(bt2-1)))
131 tr4 = dsin((t2 - tb2(bt2)) * dpi / (tb2(bt2+2) - tb2(bt2)))
132 endif
133 {do ix^db = ixomin^db,ixomax^db\}
134 bp = floor((x(ix^d,1) - xprobmin1) / stt) + 1
135 if(x(ix^d,1) .lt. 0.d0) then
136 lqgrid(ix^d) = tr1 * (va1(bp + bt1*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) + tr3 * (va1(bp+(bt1+1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0)
137 else
138 lqgrid(ix^d) = tr2 * (va2(bp + bt2*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0) + tr4 * (va2(bp+(bt2+1)*vlim)*(one-va0)+va0)
139 endif
140 {enddo\}
141 case default
142 call mpistop('unknow mode')
143 end select
145 end subroutine getlqgrid
147 subroutine generatetv(vtim,vlim,periods,variation,mnx,num,si)
148 integer, intent(in) :: vtim,vlim,mnx,num
149 double precision, intent(in) :: periods,variation,si
150 integer :: i,vx,j
151 logical :: alive
152 character(len=100) :: filename
154 ! generate random T, typically 300s +/- 75s
156 allocate(ta1(vtim)) ! left footpoint
157 allocate(tb1(vtim))
158 allocate(ta2(vtim)) ! right footpoint
159 allocate(tb2(vtim))
161 if (ndim/=2) call mpistop("Randomized heating for 2D, 2.5D simulations only!")
162 if (mype==0) then
163 write(filename,"(a)") "LeftT.dat"
164 inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
165 if(alive) then
166 open(unit=21,file=filename,status='old')
167 do j=1,vtim
168 read(21,*) tb1(j)
169 enddo
170 close(21)
171 else
172 call randomt(tb1,vtim,periods,variation,filename)
173 endif
175 write(filename,"(a)") "RightT.dat"
176 inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
177 if(alive) then
178 open(unit=21,file=filename,status='old')
179 do j=1,vtim
180 read(21,*) tb2(j)
181 enddo
182 close(21)
183 else
184 call randomt(tb2,vtim,periods,variation,filename)
185 endif
187 ta1 = tb1
188 ta2 = tb2
189 do i = 2, vtim
190 ta1(i) = tb1(i) - tb1(i-1)
191 ta2(i) = tb2(i) - tb2(i-1)
192 enddo
193 endif
194 call mpi_barrier(icomm,ierrmpi)
195 if (npe>1) then
196 call mpi_bcast(tb1,vtim,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
197 call mpi_bcast(ta1,vtim,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
198 call mpi_bcast(tb2,vtim,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
199 call mpi_bcast(ta2,vtim,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
200 endif
202 ! spatial distribution
204 vx=vtim*vlim
205 allocate(va1(vx))
206 allocate(va2(vx))
207 if (mype==0) then
208 write(filename,"(a)") "LeftV.dat"
209 inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
210 if(alive) then
211 open(unit=22,file=filename,status='old')
212 do j=1,vx
213 read(22,*) va1(j)
214 enddo
215 close(22)
216 else
217 call randomv(va1,vtim,vlim,mnx,num,si,filename)
218 endif
220 write(filename,"(a)") "RightV.dat"
221 inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
222 if(alive) then
223 open(unit=22,file=filename,status='old')
224 do j=1,vx
225 read(22,*) va2(j)
226 enddo
227 close(22)
228 else
229 call randomv(va2,vtim,vlim,mnx,num,si,filename)
230 endif
231 endif
232 if (npe>1) then
233 call mpi_bcast(va1,vx,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
234 call mpi_bcast(va2,vx,mpi_double_precision,0,icomm,ierrmpi)
235 endif
237 end subroutine generatetv
240 subroutine randomt(tb,vtim,periods,variation,filename)
241 integer, intent(in) :: vtim
242 double precision, intent(in) :: periods,variation
243 double precision, intent(inout) :: tb(:)
244 character(len=100), intent(in) :: filename
245 double precision :: tt1,tt,mm
246 integer :: i
248 ! generate random T, typically 300s +/- 75s
250 tt = 0.d0
251 do i = 1, vtim
252 call random_number(mm)
253 tt1 = periods + variation * 2. * (mm - 0.5)
254 tt = tt + tt1
255 tb(i) = tt / unit_time
256 end do
258 open(unit=21,file=filename,form='formatted',status='new')
259 write(21,'(es12.4)') tb
260 close(21)
262 end subroutine randomt
264 subroutine randomv(va,vtim,vlim,mnx,num,si,filename)
265 integer, intent(in) :: vtim,vlim,mnx,num
266 double precision, intent(in) :: si
267 double precision, intent(inout) :: va(:)
268 character(len=100), intent(in) :: filename
269 double precision, allocatable :: vn(:,:),vm(:)
270 double precision :: lambda,c,lambda_min,lambda_max,rms,ll
271 integer :: i
272 integer :: j, kk, lth = 1
274 allocate(vn(num, mnx))
275 allocate(vm(mnx))
276 do kk = 1, vtim
277 lambda_min = lth * 1.d0 / (mnx * 1.d0)
278 lambda_max = lth * 2.d0
279 do i = 1, num
280 lambda = i * 1.d0 / num * (lambda_max - lambda_min) + lambda_min
281 c = lambda ** si
282 call random_number(ll)
283 do j = 1, mnx
284 vn(i,j) = c*sin(2.*dpi*(j*1.d0/(mnx-1)*lth)/lambda+2.*dpi*2.*(ll-0.5))
285 end do
286 end do
287 rms = 0.d0
288 vm = 0.d0
289 do j = 1, mnx
290 do i = 1, num
291 vm(j) = vm(j) + vn(i, j)
292 end do
293 rms = rms + vm(j)**2
294 end do
295 vm = vm / dsqrt(rms/mnx) ! normalization
296 do j = 1, vlim
297 va(vlim*(kk-1)+j) = vm(j)**2
298 end do
299 end do
301 open(unit=22,file=filename,form='formatted',status='new')
302 write(22,'(es12.4)') va
303 close(22)
305 end subroutine randomv
307end module mod_random_heating
subroutine, public mpistop(message)
Exit MPI-AMRVAC with an error message.
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable va2
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tb1
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ta2
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ta1
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable va1
subroutine generatetv(vtim, vlim, periods, variation, mnx, num, si)
subroutine getlqgrid(lqgrid, ixil, ixol, qt, trelax, x, mode, vtim, vlim)
This module is for imposing randomized heating at x-axis for 2.5D simulation, for details please see ...
subroutine randomv(va, vtim, vlim, mnx, num, si, filename)
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tb2
subroutine randomt(tb, vtim, periods, variation, filename)