The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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1!> Module for including rotating frame in (magneto)hydrodynamics simulations
2!> The rotation vector is assumed to be along z direction
3!> (both in cylindrical and spherical)
6 implicit none
8 !> Rotation frequency of the frame
9 double precision :: omega_frame
11 !> Index of the density (in the w array)
12 integer, private, parameter :: rho_ = 1
15 !> Read this module's parameters from a file
18 character(len=*), intent(in) :: files(:)
19 integer :: n
21 namelist /rotating_frame_list/ omega_frame
23 do n = 1, size(files)
24 open(unitpar, file=trim(files(n)), status="old")
25 read(unitpar, rotating_frame_list, end=111)
26111 close(unitpar)
27 end do
29 end subroutine rotating_frame_params_read
31 !> Initialize the module
34 integer :: nwx,idir
38 end subroutine rotating_frame_init
40 !> w[iw]=w[iw]+qdt*S[wCT,qtC,x] where S is the source based on wCT within ixO
41 subroutine rotating_frame_add_source(qdt,dtfactor,ixI^L,ixO^L,wCT,w,x)
44 use mod_geometry
46 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
48 integer, intent(in) :: ixI^L, ixO^L
49 double precision, intent(in) :: qdt, dtfactor,x(ixI^S,1:ndim)
50 double precision, intent(in) :: wCT(ixI^S,1:nw)
51 double precision, intent(inout) :: w(ixI^S,1:nw)
53 ! .. local ..
54 double precision :: rotating_terms(ixI^S), frame_omega(ixI^S)
55 double precision :: work(ixI^S)
56 integer :: idir
58 select case (coordinate)
59 case (cylindrical)
61 ! S[mrad] = 2*mphi*Omegaframe + rho*r*Omegaframe**2
62 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = omega_frame**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
64 if (phi_ > 0) then
65 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = rotating_terms(ixo^s) + 2.d0 * omega_frame *wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(phi_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
66 end if
68 if(local_timestep) then
69 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
70 else
71 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) + qdt * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
72 endif
73 ! S[mphi] = -2*mrad*Omegaframe
74 if (phi_ > 0) then
75 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = - 2.0d0*omega_frame * wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(r_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
76 if(local_timestep) then
77 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(phi_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(phi_)) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
78 else
79 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(phi_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(phi_)) + qdt * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
80 endif
81 end if
83 ! S[etot] = mrad*r*Omegaframe**2
84 if (phys_energy .and. (.not.phys_internal_e)) then
85 if(local_timestep) then
86 w(ixo^s, iw_e) = w(ixo^s, iw_e) + block%dt(ixo^s) *dtfactor * omega_frame**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(r_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
87 else
88 w(ixo^s, iw_e) = w(ixo^s, iw_e) + qdt * omega_frame**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(r_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
89 endif
90 endif
92 case (spherical)
93 frame_omega(ixo^s) = omega_frame{^nooned * dsin(x(ixo^s,2))}
95 ! S[mrad] = 2*mphi*Omegaframe + rho*r*Omegaframe**2
96 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = frame_omega(ixo^s)**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
98 if (phi_ > 0) then
99 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = rotating_terms(ixo^s) + &
100 2.d0 * frame_omega(ixo^s) * wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(phi_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
101 end if
102 if(local_timestep) then
103 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
104 else
105 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_)) + qdt * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
106 endif
107 {^nooned
108 ! S[mtheta] = cot(theta) * S[mrad], reuse above rotating_terms
109 if(local_timestep) then
110 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(2)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(2)) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor * rotating_terms(ixo^s)/ tan(x(ixo^s, 2))
111 else
112 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(2)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(2)) + qdt * rotating_terms(ixo^s)/ tan(x(ixo^s, 2))
113 endif
114 ! S[mphi] = -2*Omegaframe * (mrad + cot(theta)*mtheta)
115 if (phi_ > 0) then
116 rotating_terms(ixo^s) = -2.d0*frame_omega(ixo^s)* wct(ixo^s, iw_mom(r_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)&
117 - 2.d0*wct(ixo^s, iw_mom(2))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho) * frame_omega(ixo^s)/ tan(x(ixo^s, 2))
118 if(local_timestep) then
119 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(3)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(3)) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
120 else
121 w(ixo^s, iw_mom(3)) = w(ixo^s, iw_mom(3)) + qdt * rotating_terms(ixo^s)
122 endif
123 end if
124 }
126 ! S[etot] = r*Omegaframe**2 * (mrad + cot(theta)*mtheta)
127 if (phys_energy .and. (.not.phys_internal_e)) then
128 work(ixo^s) = frame_omega(ixo^s)**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s,iw_mom(r_))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)
129 {^nooned
130 work(ixo^s) = work(ixo^s) + frame_omega(ixo^s)**2 * x(ixo^s,r_) * wct(ixo^s, iw_mom(2))*wct(ixo^s,iw_rho)/ tan(x(ixo^s, 2))
131 }
132 if(local_timestep) then
133 w(ixo^s, iw_e) = w(ixo^s, iw_e) + block%dt(ixo^s)*dtfactor* work(ixo^s)
134 else
135 w(ixo^s, iw_e) = w(ixo^s, iw_e) + qdt * work(ixo^s)
136 endif
137 endif
139 case default
140 call mpistop("Rotating frame not implemented in this geometry")
141 end select
143 end subroutine rotating_frame_add_source
145end module mod_rotating_frame
subroutine, public mpistop(message)
Exit MPI-AMRVAC with an error message.
Module with geometry-related routines (e.g., divergence, curl)
Definition mod_geometry.t:2
integer coordinate
Definition mod_geometry.t:7
integer, parameter spherical
integer, parameter cylindrical
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
type(state), pointer block
Block pointer for using one block and its previous state.
integer, parameter unitpar
file handle for IO
character(len=std_len), dimension(:), allocatable par_files
Which par files are used as input.
logical local_timestep
each cell has its own timestep or not
integer r_
Indices for cylindrical coordinates FOR TESTS, negative value when not used:
This module defines the procedures of a physics module. It contains function pointers for the various...
Definition mod_physics.t:4
logical phys_internal_e
Solve internal energy instead of total energy.
Definition mod_physics.t:41
logical phys_energy
Solve energy equation or not.
Definition mod_physics.t:35
Module for including rotating frame in (magneto)hydrodynamics simulations The rotation vector is assu...
subroutine rotating_frame_params_read(files)
Read this module's parameters from a file.
double precision omega_frame
Rotation frequency of the frame.
subroutine rotating_frame_add_source(qdt, dtfactor, ixil, ixol, wct, w, x)
w[iw]=w[iw]+qdt*S[wCT,qtC,x] where S is the source based on wCT within ixO
subroutine rotating_frame_init()
Initialize the module.
Module with all the methods that users can customize in AMRVAC.