The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code (development version)
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1!> Program to extrapolate linear force-free fields in 3D Cartesian coordinates,
2!> based on exact Green function method (Chiu & Hilton 1977 ApJ 212,873).
4!> Usage:
5!> 1 In the subroutine usr_set_parameters of mod_usr.t:
6!> To extrapolate a linear force free field from a observed magnetogram
7!> prepared in a data file, e.g., 'hmiM720sxxxx.dat' replace
8!> call init_bc_fff_data('hmiM720sxxxx.dat',unit_length,unit_magneticfield)
9!> 'hmiM720sxxxx.dat' must be a binary file containing nx1,nx2,xc1,xc2,dxm1,
10!> dxm2, Bz0(nx1,nx2). Integers nx1 and nx2 give the resolution of the
11!> uniform-grid magentogram. Others are double-precision floats. xc1 and xc2
12!> are coordinates of the central point of the magnetogram. dxm1 and dxm2
13!> are the cell sizes for each direction, Bz0 is the vertical conponent
14!> of magetic field on the solar surface from observations.
15!>2 In the subroutine usr_init_one_grid of mod_usr.t,
16!> add lines like:
18!> double precision :: Bf(ixG^S,1:ndir), alpha, zshift
20!> alpha=0.d0 ! potential field
21!> !alpha=0.08d0 ! non-potential linear force-free field
22!> zshift=0.05d0 ! lift your box zshift heigher to the bottom magnetogram
23!> call calc_lin_fff(ixG^L,ix^L,Bf,x,alpha,zshift)
25!>3 Notice that the resolution of input magnetogram must be better than the best
26!> resolution of your AMR grid to have a good behavior close to the bottom layer
28 implicit none
30 double precision, save :: bzmax,darea
31 double precision, allocatable, save :: bz0(:,:)
32 double precision, allocatable, save :: xa1(:),xa2(:)
33 integer, save :: nx1,nx2
37 subroutine init_b_fff_data(magnetogramname,qLunit,qBunit)
39 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
41 double precision, intent(in) :: qLunit,qBunit
42 double precision :: xc1,xc2,dxm1,dxm2
43 integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: statuss
44 integer :: file_handle,i
45 logical :: aexist
46 character(len=*), intent(in) :: magnetogramname
47 ! nx1,nx2 are numbers of cells for each direction
48 ! xc1,xc2 are coordinates of the central point of the magnetogram
49 ! dxm1,dxm2 are cell sizes for each direction
50 ! Bz0 is the 2D Bz magnetogram
51 inquire(file=magnetogramname,exist=aexist)
52 if(.not. aexist) then
53 if(mype==0) write(*,'(2a)') "can not find file:",magnetogramname
54 call mpistop("no input magnetogram----init_b_fff_data")
55 end if
56 call mpi_file_open(icomm,magnetogramname,mpi_mode_rdonly,mpi_info_null,&
57 file_handle,ierrmpi)
58 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,nx1,1,mpi_integer,statuss,ierrmpi)
59 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,nx2,1,mpi_integer,statuss,ierrmpi)
60 allocate(bz0(nx1,nx2))
61 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,xc1,1,mpi_double_precision,statuss,ierrmpi)
62 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,xc2,1,mpi_double_precision,statuss,ierrmpi)
63 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,dxm1,1,mpi_double_precision,statuss,ierrmpi)
64 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,dxm2,1,mpi_double_precision,statuss,ierrmpi)
65 call mpi_file_read_all(file_handle,bz0,nx1*nx2,mpi_double_precision,&
66 statuss,ierrmpi)
67 call mpi_file_close(file_handle,ierrmpi)
68 allocate(xa1(nx1))
69 allocate(xa2(nx2))
70 do i=1,nx1
71 xa1(i) = xc1 + (dble(i) - dble(nx1)/2.d0 - 0.5d0)*dxm1
72 enddo
73 do i=1,nx2
74 xa2(i) = xc2 + (dble(i) - dble(nx2)/2.d0 - 0.5d0)*dxm2
75 enddo
76 ! declare and define global variables Lunit and Bunit to be your length unit in
77 ! cm and magnetic strength unit in Gauss first
78 dxm1=dxm1/qlunit
79 dxm2=dxm2/qlunit
80 xa1=xa1/qlunit
81 xa2=xa2/qlunit
82 darea=dxm1*dxm2
83 bz0=bz0/qbunit
84 bzmax=maxval(dabs(bz0(:,:)))
86 ! normalize b
88 if(mype==0) then
89 print*,'magnetogram xrange:',minval(xa1),maxval(xa1)
90 print*,'magnetogram yrange:',minval(xa2),maxval(xa2)
91 end if
93 if(mype==0) then
94 print*,'extrapolating 3D force-free field from an observed Bz '
95 print*,'magnetogram of',nx1,'by',nx2,'pixels. Bzmax=',bzmax
96 endif
98 end subroutine init_b_fff_data
101 subroutine calc_lin_fff(ixI^L,ixO^L,Bf,x,alpha,zshift,idir)
102 ! PURPOSE:
103 ! Calculation to determine linear FFF from the field on
104 ! the lower boundary (Chiu and Hilton 1977 ApJ 212,873).
105 ! NOTE: Only works for Cartesian coordinates
106 ! INPUT: Bf,x
107 ! OUTPUT: updated b in w
110 integer, intent(in) :: ixI^L, ixO^L
111 integer, optional, intent(in) :: idir
112 double precision, intent(in) :: x(ixI^S,1:ndim),alpha,zshift
113 double precision, intent(inout) :: Bf(ixI^S,1:ndir)
115 double precision, dimension(ixO^S) :: cos_az,sin_az,zk,bigr,r,r2,r3,cos_ar,sin_ar,g,dgdz
116 double precision :: gx(ixO^S,1:ndim),twopiinv
117 integer :: idim,ixp1,ixp2
119 bf=0.d0
120 twopiinv = 0.5d0/dpi*bzmax*darea
121 ! get cos and sin arrays
122 zk(ixo^s)=x(ixo^s,3)-xprobmin3+zshift
123 cos_az(ixo^s)=dcos(alpha*zk(ixo^s))
124 sin_az(ixo^s)=dsin(alpha*zk(ixo^s))
125 ! looping Bz0 pixels
126 do ixp2=1,nx2
127 do ixp1=1,nx1
128 bigr(ixo^s)=dsqrt((x(ixo^s,1)-xa1(ixp1))**2+&
129 (x(ixo^s,2)-xa2(ixp2))**2)
130 r2=bigr**2+zk**2
131 r=dsqrt(r2)
132 r3=r**3
133 cos_ar=dcos(alpha*r)
134 sin_ar=dsin(alpha*r)
135 where(bigr/=0.d0)
136 bigr=1.d0/bigr
137 end where
138 where(r/=0.d0)
139 r=1.d0/r
140 end where
141 where(r2/=0.d0)
142 r2=1.d0/r2
143 end where
144 where(r3/=0.d0)
145 r3=1.d0/r3
146 end where
147 g=(zk*cos_ar*r-cos_az)*bigr
148 dgdz=(cos_ar*(r-zk**2*r3)-alpha*zk**2*sin_ar*r2+alpha*sin_az)*bigr
149 do idim=1,ndim
150 if(present(idir).and.idim/=idir) cycle
151 select case(idim)
152 case(1)
153 bf(ixo^s,1)=bf(ixo^s,1)+bz0(ixp1,ixp2)*((x(ixo^s,1)-xa1(ixp1))*dgdz(ixo^s)&
154 +alpha*g(ixo^s)*(x(ixo^s,2)-xa2(ixp2)))*bigr(ixo^s)
155 case(2)
156 bf(ixo^s,2)=bf(ixo^s,2)+bz0(ixp1,ixp2)*((x(ixo^s,2)-xa2(ixp2))*dgdz(ixo^s)&
157 -alpha*g(ixo^s)*(x(ixo^s,1)-xa1(ixp1)))*bigr(ixo^s)
158 case(3)
159 bf(ixo^s,3)=bf(ixo^s,3)+bz0(ixp1,ixp2)*(zk(ixo^s)*cos_ar(ixo^s)*r3(ixo^s)+alpha*&
160 zk(ixo^s)*sin_ar(ixo^s)*r2(ixo^s))
161 end select
162 end do
163 end do
164 end do
165 bf(ixo^s,:)=bf(ixo^s,:)*twopiinv
167 end subroutine calc_lin_fff
169 subroutine get_potential_field_potential(ixI^L,ixO^L,potential,x,zshift)
170 ! PURPOSE:
171 ! Calculation scalar potential of potential field given
172 ! Bz at photosphere (Schmidt 1964 NASSP).
173 ! NOTE: Only works for Cartesian coordinates
174 ! INPUT: x,zshift
175 ! OUTPUT: potential
178 integer, intent(in) :: ixI^L, ixO^L
179 double precision, intent(in) :: x(ixI^S,1:ndim),zshift
180 double precision, intent(inout) :: potential(ixI^S)
182 double precision, dimension(ixO^S) :: zk,bigr
183 integer :: ixp1,ixp2
185 zk(ixo^s)=x(ixo^s,3)-xprobmin3+zshift
186 potential=0.d0
187 ! looping Bz0 pixels see equation (2)
188 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(bigr) REDUCTION(+:potential)
189 do ixp2=1,nx2
190 do ixp1=1,nx1
191 bigr(ixo^s)=dsqrt((x(ixo^s,1)-xa1(ixp1))**2+&
192 (x(ixo^s,2)-xa2(ixp2))**2+&
193 zk(ixo^s)**2)
194 potential(ixo^s)=potential(ixo^s)+0.5d0*bz0(ixp1,ixp2)/bigr*darea/dpi
195 end do
196 end do
198 end subroutine get_potential_field_potential
200 subroutine get_potential_field_potential_sphere(ixI^L,x,potential,nth,nph,magnetogram,theta,phi,r_sphere)
201 ! PURPOSE:
202 ! Calculation scalar potential of potential field given
203 ! Bz at photosphere (Schmidt 1964 NASSP).
204 ! NOTE: Only works for spherical coordinates
205 ! OUTPUT: potential
207 integer, intent(in) :: ixI^L,nth,nph
208 real*8, intent(in) :: x(ixi^s,1:ndim)
209 ! magnetogram Br on photosphere
210 real*8, intent(in) :: magnetogram(nth,nph)
211 ! theta and phi grid of the photospheric magnetogram
212 real*8, intent(in) :: theta(nth),phi(nph)
213 ! radius of photosphere
214 real*8, intent(in) :: r_sphere
215 real*8, intent(out) :: potential(ixi^s)
217 real*8 :: area(nth),distance(ixi^s),dtheta_half,dphi,inv2pi
218 integer :: ix1,ix2
220 potential=0.d0
221 ! assume uniformly discretized theta and phi
222 dtheta_half=0.5d0*(theta(2)-theta(1))
223 dphi=phi(2)-phi(1)
224 area(1:nth)=2.d0*r_sphere**2*sin(theta(1:nth))*sin(dtheta_half)*sin(dphi)
225 inv2pi=-1.d0/(2.d0*dpi)
227 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(distance) REDUCTION(+:potential)
228 do ix2=1,nph,2
229 do ix1=1,nth,2
230 distance(ixi^s)=sqrt(x(ixi^s,1)**2+r_sphere**2-2.d0*x(ixi^s,1)*r_sphere*&
231 (sin(x(ixi^s,2))*sin(theta(ix1))*cos(phi(ix2)-x(ixi^s,3))+cos(x(ixi^s,2))*&
232 cos(theta(ix1))))
233 where(distance(ixi^s)/=0.d0)
234 distance(ixi^s)=1.d0/distance(ixi^s)
235 end where
236 potential(ixi^s)=potential(ixi^s)+inv2pi*magnetogram(ix1,ix2)*distance(ixi^s)*area(ix1)
237 end do
238 end do
243 !> get potential magnetic field energy given normal B on all boundaries
244 subroutine potential_field_energy_mg(benergy)
245 ! NOTE: Solve Poisson equation of scalar potential using multigrid solver
246 ! Only works for 3D Cartesian coordinates
249 use mod_forest
250 use mod_geometry
251 real*8, intent(out) :: benergy
252 real*8 :: block_benergy(ixm^t), mype_benergy
253 real*8, allocatable :: tmp(:,:,:)
254 integer :: iigrid, igrid, idir
255 integer :: id,nc, lvl, ixI^L
258 iximin^d=ixmlo^d-1;
259 iximax^d=ixmhi^d+1;
260 allocate(tmp(ixi^s))
261 mype_benergy=0.d0
262 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
263 block=>ps(igrid)
264 ^d&dxlevel(^d)=rnode(rpdx^d_,igrid);
265 id = igrid_to_node(igrid, mype)%node%id
266 lvl= mg%boxes(id)%lvl
267 nc = mg%box_size_lvl(lvl)
268 block_benergy=0.d0
269 do idir=1,ndim
270 call gradient(mg%boxes(id)%cc({0:nc+1},mg_iphi),ixi^l,ixm^ll,idir,tmp)
271 block_benergy(ixm^t)=block_benergy(ixm^t)+tmp(ixm^t)**2
272 end do
273 mype_benergy=mype_benergy+sum(0.5d0*block_benergy(ixm^t)*block%dvolume(ixm^t))
274 end do
276 call mpi_allreduce(mype_benergy,benergy,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum,icomm,ierrmpi)
278 end subroutine potential_field_energy_mg
280 !> Solve Poisson equation of scalar potential using multigrid solver
283 use mod_comm_lib, only: mpistop
285 double precision :: max_residual, res
286 integer :: i, max_its
288 mg%operator_type = mg_laplacian
289 max_its=50
290 max_residual=1.d-8
292 ! Set boundary conditions
293 mg%bc(:, mg_iphi)%bc_type = mg_bc_neumann
295 do i=1,2*ndim
296 mg%bc(i, mg_iphi)%boundary_cond => multigrid_bc
297 end do
299 ! Solve laplacian(phi) = 0
300 do i=1,max_its
301 !call mg_fas_vcycle(mg, max_res=res)
302 call mg_fas_fmg(mg,.true.,max_res=res)
303 if(mype==0) write(*,*) 'mg iteration',i,'residual:', res
304 if(res < max_residual) exit
305 end do
306 if(res > max_residual) call mpistop("get potential multigrid: no convergence")
310 !> To set boundary condition on physical boundaries for mg Poisson solver
311 subroutine multigrid_bc(box, nc, iv, nb, bc_type, bc)
314 type(mg_box_t), intent(in) :: box
315 integer, intent(in) :: nc
316 integer, intent(in) :: iv !< Index of variable
317 integer, intent(in) :: nb !< number of boundary from 1 to 6 for 3D
318 integer, intent(out) :: bc_type !< Type of b.c.
319 ! mg boundary values
320 double precision, intent(out) :: bc(nc, nc)
321 ! mg coordinates of boundary layer
322 double precision :: rr(nc, nc, 3)
323 double precision :: rmina,rminb,rmaxa,rmaxb,xmina,xminb,xmaxa,xmaxb
324 ! store normal magnetic field on the boundary
325 double precision :: wbn(ixG^T)
326 double precision, allocatable :: xcoarse(:,:,:)
327 integer :: iigrid,igrid,ix^D,idir,ixbca,ixbcb,ixbcn,dlvl,wnc
329 bc_type = mg_bc_neumann
331 call mg_get_face_coords(box, nb, nc, rr)
333 idir=(nb+1)/2
334 bc=0.d0
335 ! send normal B on boundaries from AMRVAC to mg Poisson solver
336 ! for Neumann boundary condition
337 select case(idir)
338 case(1)
339 if(mod(nb,2)==0) then
340 ixbcn=ixmhi1
341 else
342 ixbcn=ixmlo1-1
343 end if
344 rmina=rr(1,1,2)-0.5d0*box%dr(2)
345 rmaxa=rr(nc,1,2)+0.5d0*box%dr(2)
346 rminb=rr(1,1,3)-0.5d0*box%dr(3)
347 rmaxb=rr(1,nc,3)+0.5d0*box%dr(3)
348 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
349 block=>ps(igrid)
350 if(.not.block%is_physical_boundary(nb)) cycle
351 if(stagger_grid) then
352 !wbn(ixbcn^%1ixG^T)=block%ws(ixbcn^%1ixG^T,idir)
353 wbn(ixbcn^%1ixg^t)=block%ws(ixbcn^%1ixg^t,idir)
354 else
355 wbn(ixbcn^%1ixg^t)=half*(block%w(ixbcn^%1ixg^t,iw_mag(idir))+block%w(ixbcn+1^%1ixg^t,iw_mag(idir)))
356 end if
357 xmina=block%x(1,1,1,2)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx2_,igrid)
358 xmaxa=block%x(1,ixghi2,1,2)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx2_,igrid)
359 xminb=block%x(1,1,1,3)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx3_,igrid)
360 xmaxb=block%x(1,1,ixghi3,3)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx3_,igrid)
361 if(xmina<rr(1,1,2) .and. xmaxa>rr(nc,1,2) .and. &
362 xminb<rr(1,1,3) .and. xmaxb>rr(1,nc,3)) then
363 do ix2=1,nc
364 do ix1=1,nc
365 ixbca=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,2)-xmina)/rnode(rpdx2_,igrid))
366 ixbcb=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,3)-xminb)/rnode(rpdx3_,igrid))
367 bc(ix1,ix2)=wbn(ixbcn,ixbca,ixbcb)
368 end do
369 end do
370 else if(block%x(1,ixmlo2,1,2)>rmina .and. block%x(1,ixmhi2,1,2)<rmaxa .and. &
371 block%x(1,1,ixmlo3,3)>rminb .and. block%x(1,1,ixmhi3,3)<rmaxb) then
372 dlvl=node(plevel_,igrid)-box%lvl
373 wnc=nc/2**dlvl
374 allocate(xcoarse(wnc,wnc,2))
375 do ix2=1,wnc
376 do ix1=1,wnc
377 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)=sum(block%x(1,(ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,1,2))/dble(2**dlvl)
378 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)=sum(block%x(1,1,(ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells,3))/dble(2**dlvl)
379 ixbca=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)-rmina)/box%dr(2))
380 ixbcb=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)-rminb)/box%dr(3))
381 bc(ixbca,ixbcb)=sum(wbn(ixbcn,(ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,&
382 (ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells))/dble(2**(2*dlvl))
383 end do
384 end do
385 deallocate(xcoarse)
386 end if
387 end do
388 case(2)
389 if(mod(nb,2)==0) then
390 ixbcn=ixmhi2
391 else
392 ixbcn=ixmlo2-1
393 end if
394 rmina=rr(1,1,1)-0.5d0*box%dr(1)
395 rmaxa=rr(nc,1,1)+0.5d0*box%dr(1)
396 rminb=rr(1,1,3)-0.5d0*box%dr(3)
397 rmaxb=rr(1,nc,3)+0.5d0*box%dr(3)
398 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
399 block=>ps(igrid)
400 if(.not.block%is_physical_boundary(nb)) cycle
401 if(stagger_grid) then
402 wbn(ixbcn^%2ixg^t)=block%ws(ixbcn^%2ixg^t,idir)
403 else
404 wbn(ixbcn^%2ixg^t)=half*(block%w(ixbcn^%2ixg^t,iw_mag(idir))+block%w(ixbcn+1^%2ixg^t,iw_mag(idir)))
405 end if
406 xmina=block%x(1,1,1,1)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx1_,igrid)
407 xmaxa=block%x(ixghi1,1,1,1)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx1_,igrid)
408 xminb=block%x(1,1,1,3)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx3_,igrid)
409 xmaxb=block%x(1,1,ixghi3,3)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx3_,igrid)
410 if(xmina<rr(1,1,1) .and. xmaxa>rr(nc,1,1) .and. &
411 xminb<rr(1,1,3) .and. xmaxb>rr(1,nc,3)) then
412 do ix2=1,nc
413 do ix1=1,nc
414 ixbca=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,1)-xmina)/rnode(rpdx1_,igrid))
415 ixbcb=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,3)-xminb)/rnode(rpdx3_,igrid))
416 bc(ix1,ix2)=wbn(ixbca,ixbcn,ixbcb)
417 end do
418 end do
419 else if(block%x(ixmlo1,1,1,1)>rmina .and. block%x(ixmhi1,1,1,1)<rmaxa .and. &
420 block%x(1,1,ixmlo3,3)>rminb .and. block%x(1,1,ixmhi3,3)<rmaxb) then
421 dlvl=node(plevel_,igrid)-box%lvl
422 wnc=nc/2**dlvl
423 allocate(xcoarse(wnc,wnc,2))
424 do ix2=1,wnc
425 do ix1=1,wnc
426 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)=sum(block%x((ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,1,1,1))/dble(2**dlvl)
427 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)=sum(block%x(1,1,(ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells,3))/dble(2**dlvl)
428 ixbca=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)-rmina)/box%dr(1))
429 ixbcb=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)-rminb)/box%dr(3))
430 bc(ixbca,ixbcb)=sum(wbn((ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,ixbcn,&
431 (ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells))/dble(2**(2*dlvl))
432 end do
433 end do
434 deallocate(xcoarse)
435 end if
436 end do
437 case(3)
438 if(mod(nb,2)==0) then
439 ixbcn=ixmhi3
440 else
441 ixbcn=ixmlo3-1
442 end if
443 rmina=rr(1,1,1)-0.5d0*box%dr(1)
444 rmaxa=rr(nc,1,1)+0.5d0*box%dr(1)
445 rminb=rr(1,1,2)-0.5d0*box%dr(2)
446 rmaxb=rr(1,nc,2)+0.5d0*box%dr(2)
447 do iigrid=1,igridstail; igrid=igrids(iigrid);
448 block=>ps(igrid)
449 if(.not.block%is_physical_boundary(nb)) cycle
450 if(stagger_grid) then
451 wbn(ixbcn^%3ixg^t)=block%ws(ixbcn^%3ixg^t,idir)
452 else
453 wbn(ixbcn^%3ixg^t)=half*(block%w(ixbcn^%3ixg^t,iw_mag(idir))+block%w(ixbcn+1^%3ixg^t,iw_mag(idir)))
454 end if
455 xmina=block%x(1,1,1,1)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx1_,igrid)
456 xmaxa=block%x(ixghi1,1,1,1)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx1_,igrid)
457 xminb=block%x(1,1,1,2)-0.5d0*rnode(rpdx2_,igrid)
458 xmaxb=block%x(1,ixghi2,1,2)+0.5d0*rnode(rpdx2_,igrid)
459 if(xmina<rr(1,1,1) .and. xmaxa>rr(nc,1,1) .and. &
460 xminb<rr(1,1,2) .and. xmaxb>rr(1,nc,2)) then
461 do ix2=1,nc
462 do ix1=1,nc
463 ixbca=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,1)-xmina)/rnode(rpdx1_,igrid))
464 ixbcb=ceiling((rr(ix1,ix2,2)-xminb)/rnode(rpdx2_,igrid))
465 bc(ix1,ix2)=wbn(ixbca,ixbcb,ixbcn)
466 end do
467 end do
468 else if(block%x(ixmlo1,1,1,1)>rmina .and. block%x(ixmhi1,1,1,1)<rmaxa .and. &
469 block%x(1,ixmlo2,1,2)>rminb .and. block%x(1,ixmhi2,1,2)<rmaxb) then
470 dlvl=node(plevel_,igrid)-box%lvl
471 wnc=nc/2**dlvl
472 allocate(xcoarse(wnc,wnc,2))
473 do ix2=1,wnc
474 do ix1=1,wnc
475 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)=sum(block%x((ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,1,1,1))/dble(2**dlvl)
476 xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)=sum(block%x(1,(ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells,1,2))/dble(2**dlvl)
477 ixbca=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,1)-rmina)/box%dr(1))
478 ixbcb=ceiling((xcoarse(ix1,ix2,2)-rminb)/box%dr(2))
479 bc(ixbca,ixbcb)=sum(wbn((ix1-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix1*2**dlvl+nghostcells,&
480 (ix2-1)*2**dlvl+1+nghostcells:ix2*2**dlvl+nghostcells,ixbcn))/dble(2**(2*dlvl))
481 end do
482 end do
483 deallocate(xcoarse)
484 end if
485 end do
486 end select
488 end subroutine multigrid_bc
490end module mod_lfff
subroutine, public mpistop(message)
Exit MPI-AMRVAC with an error message.
Module with basic grid data structures.
Definition mod_forest.t:2
type(tree_node_ptr), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save igrid_to_node
Array to go from an [igrid, ipe] index to a node pointer.
Definition mod_forest.t:32
Module with geometry-related routines (e.g., divergence, curl)
Definition mod_geometry.t:2
subroutine gradient(q, ixil, ixol, idir, gradq, nth_in)
This module contains definitions of global parameters and variables and some generic functions/subrou...
type(state), pointer block
Block pointer for using one block and its previous state.
integer, parameter ndim
Number of spatial dimensions for grid variables.
logical stagger_grid
True for using stagger grid.
integer icomm
The MPI communicator.
integer mype
The rank of the current MPI task.
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, parameter d
integer ixm
the mesh range of a physical block without ghost cells
integer ierrmpi
A global MPI error return code.
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rnode
Corner coordinates.
integer nghostcells
Number of ghost cells surrounding a grid.
double precision, dimension(^nd) dxlevel
store unstretched cell size of current level
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable node
Program to extrapolate linear force-free fields in 3D Cartesian coordinates, based on exact Green fun...
Definition mod_lfff.t:27
double precision, save darea
Definition mod_lfff.t:30
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save bz0
Definition mod_lfff.t:31
subroutine multigrid_bc(box, nc, iv, nb, bc_type, bc)
To set boundary condition on physical boundaries for mg Poisson solver.
Definition mod_lfff.t:312
integer, save nx1
Definition mod_lfff.t:33
subroutine get_potential_field_potential_sphere(ixil, x, potential, nth, nph, magnetogram, theta, phi, r_sphere)
Definition mod_lfff.t:201
subroutine init_b_fff_data(magnetogramname, qlunit, qbunit)
Definition mod_lfff.t:38
subroutine get_potential_field_potential_mg()
Solve Poisson equation of scalar potential using multigrid solver.
Definition mod_lfff.t:282
subroutine calc_lin_fff(ixil, ixol, bf, x, alpha, zshift, idir)
Definition mod_lfff.t:102
subroutine potential_field_energy_mg(benergy)
get potential magnetic field energy given normal B on all boundaries
Definition mod_lfff.t:245
integer, save nx2
Definition mod_lfff.t:33
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, save xa2
Definition mod_lfff.t:32
double precision, save bzmax
Definition mod_lfff.t:30
subroutine get_potential_field_potential(ixil, ixol, potential, x, zshift)
Definition mod_lfff.t:170
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, save xa1
Definition mod_lfff.t:32
Module to couple the octree-mg library to AMRVAC. This file uses the VACPP preprocessor,...
type(mg_t) mg
Data structure containing the multigrid tree.